Booking Any Available Item from the Patron Record

To view the Bookings tab, you must be assigned permission 94 (View patron record in check-out). To choose the Add Booking button, you must be assigned permission 130 (Materials Booking).

To book any available item from the patron record:

  1. Choose Circulation Desk from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the patron record for whom you want to place the booking.
  3. Switch to the Bookings tab:
    • click the Bookings tab, or
    • choose Go | Circulation | Circulation Desk | Bookings
  4. Choose Add Booking. Sierra opens a new search window.
  5. Retrieve the desired title.
  6. Choose Book Any Available Item. (Sierra enables the Book Any Available Item button only if there are multiple items attached to the bibliographic record.)
  7. Enter the data for the booking.