Cancelling Bookings from the Patron Record

To view the Bookings tab in a patron record, you must be assigned permission 94 (View patron record in check-out). To cancel a booking by choosing the Cancel Bookings button, you must be assigned permission 130 (Materials Booking). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To cancel booking(s) from the patron record:

  1. Choose Circulation Desk from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the patron record for whom you want to cancel booking(s).
  3. Switch to the Bookings tab:
    • click the Bookings tab, or
    • choose the Go | Circulation | Circulation Desk | Bookings
  4. Select the booking(s) that you want to cancel.
  5. Choose Cancel Bookings. At the cancellation prompt, choose Yes to cancel the booking(s).