The category.xml File

The SEARCH.xml File

The category.xml file replaces the functionality of the SEARCH.xml file for Research Pro 2.0 and later. If the category.xml file is present on your system, the changes you make to your SEARCH.xml file are ignored by Research Pro.

The category.xml file is a list of resources, defined as XML entries, assigned to categories for category searches in Research Pro.

Edit the category.xml file when you:

You can edit the category.xml file using the Web Master function.

Element Description
<ICE-CONFIG> This element marks the beginning of the XML portion of the file. It must be present for the category.xml file to work in Research Pro.
<MAP> This element marks the beginning of one category mapping entry. Each category mapping entry must close with a </MAP> tag.
<GROUP> This element defines the category name. The value assigned to the <GROUP> field serves as a label for the group. The label must have a closing </GROUP> tag at the end of the entry. For example:


Research Pro uses <LINK> elements under the <GROUP> entry to define each resource to search as part of that category.
  • Do not name <GROUP> entries "Default" in this file.
  • Do not name <GROUP> entries using a numeral as the first character.
<LINK> This element defines the individual resources assigned to categories. Each <LINK> value must be a valid resource connector. Resource connector values are assigned by Innovative's Research Pro Profiling Team. When Research Pro searches a value assigned to a <GROUP> it uses each <LINK> value to search that resource.
</ICE-CONFIG> This element closes the file. This element must be present as the last entry for the category.xml file to work in Research Pro.

For example:


In this example, the Images category ("type of resource") contains the following individual resources:

A user searching the Images category initiates a search of all of these individual resources.