Patron Type Mapping File

To edit this file you must be assigned permission 694 (Edit INN-Reach-Patron Type Matching File). If you are assigned permission 651 (View System Parameters) but not permission 694, you can view this file but cannot edit it. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Patron Type Mapping File on the INN-Reach Central Server maps all local patron types (P TYPEs) to central P TYPEs. INN-Reach uses this file (along with the Item Type Mapping File) to determine whether a requested item can be borrowed via INN-Reach circulation. INN-Reach uses the mapped value as the P TYPE in a virtual patron record.

When a patron requests an item for INN-Reach Circulation Loan, the INN-Reach Central Server needs to know the central P TYPE to use for the patron (based on the patron's P TYPE on their Local Server). The central P TYPE, along with the central I TYPE, determines whether or not a requested item can be borrowed (an item's local shelving location is not taken into account). To determine the central P TYPE to use, INN-Reach looks up the local P TYPE in the Patron Type Mapping File.

Central System Administrators maintain the Patron Type Mapping file.

Data Elements

Each entry consists of the following elements:

The Local Server code. There must be at least one entry in this file for each Local Server contributing to the INN-Reach System. Typically, there is more than one entry per Local Server. Local Server entries must be added in alphabetical order by CAMPUS CODE. All entries for a given Local Server must be grouped together.
A range of local patron types. This value can be a single local P TYPE (for example, 7) or a range of local P TYPEs (for example, 8-209). All P TYPEs (0-1999) for each Local Server must be included in this file once, even if certain local P TYPEs are not used at a particular site. Local P TYPEs that are not used at a particular site must be mapped to non-circulating central P TYPE(s). For a given Local Server, local P TYPEs are entered in numeric order.
The central patron type. This value can be a single central P TYPE only. P TYPEs in the range 200-240 are reserved for INN-Reach Circulation. A given Local Server is not required to use every central P TYPE. Your INN-Reach System defines the central P TYPE values. For example:

200 - INN-Reach Undergrad
201 - INN-Reach Graduate
202 - INN-Reach Faculty
203 - INN-Reach Staff
204 - INN-Reach Courtesy/Permit
205 - INN-Reach Affiliated Fac/Staff
206 - INN-Reach Locally Restricted
210 - INN-Reach Test - Borrowing
211 - INN-Reach Test - Non-borrowing

A central patron type. This field can be blank; if used, enter a single central P TYPE in this field.

Use this field if your INN-Reach System want to assign visiting patrons a central P TYPE that differs from the central P TYPE assigned to patrons borrowing via the INN-Reach Catalog. Mapping visiting patrons to different central P TYPEs enables sites to:
  • Assign different loan rules to visiting patron borrowing than to patrons who request items via the INN-Reach Catalog.
  • Generate separate statistics about visiting patron borrowing.

For example:

Central P TYPEVisiting Patron Central P TYPE
200 - INN-Reach Undergrad220 - Visiting Patron Undergrad
201 - INN-Reach Grad221 - Visiting Patron Grad
202 - INN-Reach Fac/Staff222 - Visiting Patron Fac/Staff
203 - INN-Reach Other223 - Visiting Patron Other
204 - INN-Reach Public224 - Visiting Patron Public
205 - INN-Reach Public Staff225 - Visiting Patron Public Staff
206 - INN-Reach Public Other226 - Visiting Patron Public Other
207 - INN-Reach Non-circ227 - Visiting Patron Non-circ

In the above example, each site must add Loan Rule Determiner table lines that pair local I TYPEs with P TYPEs 220-227.

When assigning visiting patron P TYPEs, Central System Administrators must observe the following guidelines:
  • To prevent patrons from a particular site from borrowing items as visiting patrons, map local P TYPEs for that site to a non-borrowing visiting patron P TYPE.
  • If one of the Local Servers in your INN-Reach System belongs to multiple INN-Reach Systems, determine whether there are any conflicts between the P TYPEs used on the other INN-Reach system and those you are considering for use as visiting patron types.
  • If the number of unused P TYPEs available at Local Servers is insufficient to duplicate the full range of central P TYPEs, map the central P TYPEs to a limited number of visiting patron P TYPEs.