Configuring Circulation Parameters for INN-Reach

To configure circulation parameters for INN-Reach, do the following:

Branches Table

Add entries to the Branches table for each site in the INN-Reach System, including the site code(s) associated with your Local Server. To obtain a list of the site codes for the INN-Reach System, contact your Central System Administrator.

INN-Reach automatically uploads the local Branches table to the INN-Reach Central Server as a nightly chron job. Changes you make to your local table do not display in the INN-Reach Catalog until the following day.

Circulation Options

Set the Check-in: Check-in at wrong location circulation option to "Allowed" or "Ask." This option must never be set to "Not Allowed" on INN-Reach Local Servers. For more information on this option, see Check-in: Check-in at wrong location.

Item Status Codes

Add the item record STATUS codes below as follows:


The STATUS codes listed above are reserved for INN-Reach Circulation only. If existing STATUS codes at your Local Server conflict with the INN-Reach Circulation status codes, you must work with Innovative to resolve this conflict prior to implementing INN-Reach.

INN-Reach Pickup Locations Table

Provide your Central Server Administrator with a table of pickup locations for all site(s) on your Local Server. The Central Server Administrator enters this location data into the INN-Reach Pickup Locations table on the INN-Reach Central Server.

For each pickup location at each site on your Local Server, include the following information:

Display Name
The name for the pickup location that displays in the INN-Reach Catalog when a patron is asked to select a pickup location from all of the pickup locations defined for the site. This name can be up to 30 characters long. This DISPLAY NAME appears only if the site has multiple pickup locations. If the site has one pickup location only, the system defaults to the single pickup location when a user makes a request. For single pickup locations, the system requires that a DISPLAY NAME be set up even though it does not display to the user.
Print Name
The name to print on INN-Reach Circulation paging slips as the "PICKUP AT" location. This name can be up to 20 characters long. In the sample paging slip the "PICKUP AT:" location is "King Library".
Delivery Stop
The name of the Delivery Stop for your courier service pickup location that prints on the INN-Reach Circulation paging slip underneath the name of the borrowing site. This name can be up to 32 characters long. In the sample paging slip the Delivery Stop is "King Library Circulation Desk".
Location Code    
On your Local Server, the location code associated with the Branch Name that you want to display as the pickup location when a patron views the status of their INN-Reach request in the WebPAC. This location code may be an existing location on your system, or you might want to add a new code that is only used as an INN-Reach pickup location. For example, you might want to create a location code "main1" with the Branch Name "Main Lib-1st Floor" so that the patron knows to go specifically to the first floor of the main library to pickup the requested INN-Reach item.

For example:

Display Name Print Name Delivery Stop Location Code
King Library Circulation Desk King Library Circ PX Miami U. Main Library imcir
Middletown Library Circ Desk Middletown Campus PX Miami U. Middletown mdli
Hamilton Library Circ Desk Hamilton Circ PX Miami U. Hamilton Branch hac

INN-Reach Pickup Anywhere Table

Provide your Central Server Administrator with a table that defines Pickup Anywhere locations for use with the Pickup Anywhere for INN-Reach product. Each entry in your table contains information about a pickup location at an INN-Reach site. Thus, your site might have several entries.

Each entry consists of the following elements:

Pickup Location (display name)
The name of the pickup location. The system displays this value in the list of possible pickup locations when a patron places requests on the INN-Reach Central Server. The value also appears to staff in Sierra on the Local Server.
Location Code
The five-character code that uniquely identifies a site (that is, the institution or agency) within your INN-Reach System.
Print Name
The name of the pickup location that prints on paging slips.
Delivery Stop
The name of the Delivery Stop for your courier service pickup location that prints on the INN-Reach Circulation paging slip underneath the name of the borrowing site. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Your Central Server Administrator adds the following information to the entry in the Pickup Anywhere file on the INN-Reach Central Server:
Distance Learning #
A number from 1 to 18,000 that uniquely identifies the pickup location in the INN-Reach System.

INN-Reach Circulation Notices Text

Customize the text used in INN-Reach Circulation Notices.

INN-Reach Paging Slip Text

Customize the text used in INN-Reach Paging Slips.

Item Types Table

Add all central item types to the Item Types table on your Local Server. Central item types are the I TYPEs that are assigned to virtual item records when an INN-Reach circulation transaction is initiated. The I TYPE field values 200-240 are reserved for central patron types at all Local Servers.

For example, you might add the following:

200 - INN-Reach Book
201 - INN-Reach Curr Cent
202 - INN-Reach Periodical
203 - INN-Reach Sound Recording
204 - INN-Reach Comp. Software
205 - INN-Reach Audio-Visual
206 - INN-Reach Microform
207 - INN-Reach Non-Circ

To obtain the central I TYPE values used by your INN-Reach System, contact your Central System Administrator.

Item Type Mapping Table

Provide your Central System Administrator with a table that maps your local item types to the central item types. The Central System Administrator enters these item type mapping assignments into the Item Type Mapping File on the INN-Reach Central Server.

For example:

Local I TYPE Central I TYPE
0-1,34 200
2-7,19,33,35 201
8-10,12,56-58 202
11,13,124-255 207

Not all central item types are necessarily applicable to your database, but all local item types must be listed in this mapping table.

Loan Rule Determiner Table

Add entries to the Loan Rule Determiner table for the INN-Reach Circulation loan rules. The exact entries that you add to the table depend on your Local Server's item type and patron type definitions.

When adding entries to this table, observe the following guidelines:

Loan Rules Table

Add the following loan rules to your Local Server's Loan Rules table:

INN-Reach Institutional Circulation Rule(s)
The "Institutional Circ" loan rule governs the check out of a requested item from the owning site to the patron site.
INN-Reach Patron Circulation Rule(s)
The "Patron Circ" loan rule governs the check out of an INN-Reach Circulation item from the patron site to the patron. If you want to enable INN-Reach Circulation Notices, enter the appropriate text number for each Notice element of this loan rule.
INN-Reach Non-Circulating Rule(s)
The "Non-Circ" loan rule is used to block the check out of items that should not be used for INN-Reach Circulation. You can use an existing "non-circ" loan rule (that is, a loan rule with code 'N') rather than creating one specifically for INN-Reach Circulation.

The values you must specify in each element of the INN-Reach loan rules (for example, Loan Period) are determined by your INN-Reach System's loan policies. For more information, contact your Central System Administrator.

Login Settings

To prevent the system from registering INN-Reach barcodes as invalid, select the Disable barcode validity checking for check-out/check-in option in the Setup tab of the Login Manager.

Patron Blocks Table

Add each central patron type in your INN-Reach System to the Patron Blocks table. The system cannot perform INN-Reach transactions unless the Patron Blocks table contains the central patron types used by your INN-Reach System. However, since each INN-Reach request creates a new virtual patron record with a central patron type, you can specify generic values for all of the elements in the table, except the following:

If the Check-out: Limit due date to expiration date circulation option is enabled on your Local Server, you must set the PATRON EXP. DATE element to 'n'. If you do not, a patron could be blocked before receiving his or her requested item.
You must set this element to '1' or greater.
You must set this element to '3' or greater. This value should correspond to the value of the MAX ITEMS element.
You must set this element to '3' or greater. This value should correspond to the value of the MAX HOLDS element.
Use of MAX ITEMS Element

In the Patron Blocks table on the Local Server, the MAX ITEMS element represents the maximum number of INN-Reach and non-INN-Reach items that a patron can check out at one time. In the Patron Blocks table at the INN-Reach Central Server, the MAX ITEMS element represents the maximum number of INN-Reach items that a patron can request or check out at one time.

Patron Type Table

Add all central P TYPEs to the Patron Type table on your Local Server. Central patron types are the P TYPEs that are assigned to virtual patron records when an INN-Reach circulation transaction is initiated. The P TYPE field values 200-240 are reserved for central patron types at all Local Servers.

For example, you might add the following:

200 - INN-Reach Undergrad
201 - INN-Reach Graduate
202 - INN-Reach Faculty
203 - INN-Reach Staff
204 - INN-Reach Courtesy/Permit
205 - INN-Reach Affiliated Fac/Staff
206 - INN-Reach Locally Restricted
210 - INN-Reach Test - Borrowing
211 - INN-Reach Test - Non-borrowing

To obtain the central P TYPE values used by your INN-Reach System, contact your Central System Administrator.

Patron Type Mapping Table

Provide your Central System Administrator with a table that maps your local patron types to the central patron types. The Central System Administrator enters these patron type mapping assignments into the Patron Type Mapping File on the INN-Reach Central Server.

For example:

Local P TYPE Central P TYPE
0-1,34 200
2-7,19,33,35 201
8-10,12,56-58 202
11,13,124-2000 206

Not all central patron types are necessarily applicable to your database, but all local patron types must be listed in this mapping table.

If your INN-Reach System maps visiting patrons to different central P TYPEs than patrons who request items via the INN-Reach Catalog, the Central System Administrator assigns the visiting patron P TYPEs to the local P TYPEs you provide. To prevent your patrons from participating in visiting patron borrowing, ask your Central System Administrator to map your local P TYPEs to non-circulating visiting patron P TYPEs.

How INN-Reach Uses Mapped P TYPE Values

When a patron attempts to request an item in the INN-Reach Catalog, the system maps the patron's local P TYPE value to a central P TYPE value, and then evaluates whether the patron can request the item based on entries for the central P TYPE value in the central Patron Blocks table.

When staff at the patron site attempt to check out an INN-Reach item to the patron, the system does not use the mapped central P TYPE number to evaluate the local Patron Blocks table. Instead, the system uses the patron's unmapped P TYPE value (that is, the P TYPE value in the patron's record).

When staff at the owning site attempt to check out an INN-Reach item to a visiting patron, the system uses the mapped Central P TYPE number to determine if the patron can check out the item. For more information, see Checking Out an Item to a Visiting Patron.

Patron Verification Table

Provide information to Innovative to customize INN-Reach patron verification for your library.