Customizing INN-Reach Patron Verification

Your site can configure INN-Reach patron verification in the following ways:

Blocking Patron Sites from the Affiliation List

Innovative can configure the INN-Reach Central Server to suppress specific sites from the list of sites with which patrons can claim affiliation. By suppressing a site from this list, you can prevent all patrons from that site from requesting INN-Reach items. If you want to suppress a site from this list, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

Customizing Patron Verification Fields and Prompts

Patron verification prompts can be customized by site or by INN-Reach System, as follows:

Enabling Secure Patron Verification

If the Secure Patron Verification feature is enabled on your Local Server, the system encrypts the patron verification information sent by your Local Server to the INN-Reach Central Server. For more information, see Maintaining a Network Connection to the INN-Reach Central Server

Requiring a PIN for Verification

Your site can require that the system verifies PIN numbers for patrons submitting INN-Reach requests. To change your site's PIN requirement setting, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

If your site chooses to verify PIN numbers, the patron must have a valid PIN established prior to using the Request function. The patron can establish a PIN on the Local Server only.