Enabling INN-Reach Notices

INN-Reach notices are circulation notices generated for INN-Reach items borrowed by your patrons. These notices do not require separate print jobs, but print at the same time as standard circulation notices of the same type.

To enable INN-Reach notices for your library:

  1. View the Text of Circulation Notices table to verify that, for each related notice type, there is an entry appropriate for INN-Reach purposes. If appropriate entries are not present, add them.

Your Central System Administrator typically provides a set of messages to be used in your Local Server's implementation of INN-Reach Circulation. Your standard circulation texts can be used instead of INN-Reach-specific texts wherever the language of your standard circulation text can be applied to INN-Reach Circulation without modification.

  1. Set the following parameters in the INN-Reach Patron Circulation loan rule(s) on your Local Server:
Notice Type Generated When Loan Rule Parameter
Bills The patron site bills or fines a patron for an overdue INN-Reach item. Replace Process Fee
Replace Bill Service Charge
Msg Bill
Msg Adjustment
Fine notices The patron site bills or fines a patron for an overdue INN-Reach item. FINE VARIABLES (including Msg Fines)
Courtesy notices Staff at the appropriate location generate courtesy notices. Courtesy Notice Text #
# of Days Before Odue
Hold cancellation notices The owning site cancels with re-request (no new item identified for re-request) or cancels with no re-request; the patron site returns an unwanted item Text Cancel Pickup1
Hold pickup notices2 The patron site receives the item from the owning site. Text Pickup Notice3
Overdue notices An INN-Reach item is overdue from the patron.4 OVERDUE VARIABLES
Text First Odue
Text Second Odue
Text Third Odue
Text Fourth Odue
Text Fifth Odue
Recall notices The owning site recalls an item. RECALL VARIABLES
Text Recall Notice
Text First OdueR
Text Second OdueR
Text Third OdueR
Text Fourth OdueR
Text Fifth OdueR
1 The hold cancellation text specified in this parameter is used for notices generated when you cancel INN-Reach holds either as an owning site or as a patron site, so Innovative advises making the cancellation text general to both situations.
2 This hold pickup slip is generated at the patron site and can be used in place of the "pickup slip" half of the INN-Reach paging slip.
3 Unlike standard hold cancellation notices, the HOLDS: Print hold cancel notice when canceling hold circulation option does NOT determine whether Sierra generates a hold cancellation notice for an INN-Reach item.
4 The owning site cannot generate "institutional overdue notices", that is notices for INN-Reach items that are overdue from patron sites. However, the owning site can generate the Institutional Overdues report.