Cancelling an INN-Reach Hold with Re-request

To view an item-level hold queue, you must be assigned permission 101 (View bibliographic records). To choose either of the Cancel Holds options, you must be assigned permission 45 (Holds management). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Automatic Forwarding of INN-Reach Requests

The Automatic Forwarding of INN-Reach Requests feature enables the system to automatically cancel and re-request an INN-Reach hold on an item at your site when the item has been paged at your site longer than a specific length of time. For more information, see Automatically Forwarding INN-Reach Requests.

If an owning site is unable to satisfy an INN-Reach request for an item, staff can cancel the hold with re-request. For more information on this process, see How INN-Reach Re-requesting Works.

To cancel an INN-Reach hold with re-request:

  1. View the item-level hold queue.
  2. Select one or more of the holds in the queue.
  3. Choose the Cancel Holds button.
  4. Choose an option:
    Cancel hold and change status to MISSING
    Cancels the hold and change the item's STATUS to 'm' (MISSING).
    Cancel hold
    Cancels the hold and change the item's STATUS to '-' (AVAILABLE).
    Do not cancel request
    Stops the cancellation of the request. The system returns you to the item-level hold queue (if you selected a single hold for cancellation) or prompts you to confirm cancellation for the next request (if you selected multiple holds).
    If you choose either of the options that cancel the request, the system prompts you to specify a cancellation reason by displaying a list of predefined cancellation reasons. This list of reasons is specific to your INN-Reach System. If you want to modify the predefined cancellation reasons, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.
  5. Choose one of the predefined cancellation reasons or enter your own. The system uses this cancellation reason in the hold cancellation notice that is generated if no available items can be identified for re-request.
  6. Choose OK to continue.

    If you selected multiple holds to cancel, the system prompts you to confirm cancellation for the next hold you selected. If you want to exit the cancellation process without modifying additional holds, press <Esc>. The system discards any holds that it has not processed. For example, if you choose to cancel four holds but answer the prompts only for the first hold and then press <Esc>, the system cancels the first hold only. In the summary, the system lists the remaining holds as "unprocessed."

    When the system finishes processing all the holds you selected, it displays a summary of your activity. For example, if you initially selected three holds but chose to cancel only two, the system displays:

    2 of 3 holds were cancelled.
    The following hold was not cancelled:
    Hold on <record> not cancelled at this time.

  7. Choose OK to clear this message.