How Cancelling an INN-Reach Hold with Re-request Works

No Re-requests for Multi-volume Items

If you cancel a request for an item that is part of a multi-volume work (that is, the VOLUME variable-length field in the item contains a value), the system automatically performs a cancellation with no re-request. Similarly, if you cancel a non-volume item with re-request, the system cannot select an item that is part of a multi-volume work to take its place.

When you cancel an INN-Reach hold with re-request, INN-Reach does the following at the owning site:

When the INN-Reach Central Server receives the re-request circulation message from the owning site, it attempts to identify a matching and available item at another site in the INN-Reach System. To identify the subsequent match, the system uses the same criteria it used to identify the initial item match, for example, based on the priorities in the Request Balancing Table.

When INN-Reach processes a re-request circulation message, there are two possible outcomes:

Note that the INN-Reach Central Server attempts to identify a match for a request based on site, rather than Local Server. If your Local Server operates under the INN-Reach Agency model, it is possible that the request for an item initially paged at your site could be subsequently paged at another site on your Local Server.

The System Identifies Another Available Item

If the system can identify another matching and available item, it "re-requests" the item, that is, it pages the item at the new site and updates the patron record at the patron site with the new paging information, as follows:

During the re-request process, if the second owning site cancels, the INN-Reach Central Server again determines if another copy is available. If another copy is available, the re-request is sent to the third site. Re-requesting continues automatically until the request is cancelled with no re-request or until the elapsed time from the initial request exceeds 25 days, whichever comes first.

Same Server Re-requests

If the new owning site identified for re-request belongs to the same Local Server as the patron site, the system sends a single INN-Reach circulation transaction, the '704' "Item rerequest/patron information (same Local Server)" transaction to the Local Server. When the Local Server receives the '704' circulation transaction, it performs the record updates described above as occurring at the patron site and owning site.

The System Cannot Identify Another Available Item

If the INN-Reach Central Server cannot identify a matching item at another site, it sends a cancellation message to the patron site. At the patron site, the system: