Viewing the INN-Reach Patron Reports

By default, no permission is required to view this report. However, a customized permission can be enabled for this purpose. To enable this customized permission, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

INN-Reach Central Server Only

If an INN-Reach System has acquired Web Management Reports, the INN-Reach Patron reports are available on the INN-Reach Central Server.

The INN-Reach Patron reports display information on INN-Reach circulation site-to-site borrowing. To view these reports:

  1. Choose one of the following options from the reports menu:
    • Requests — Displays the number of requests made from one site to another.
    • Fulfillments — Displays the number of fulfillments made by one site to another.
    • Cancellations — Displays the number of request cancellations made by each site, grouped by the number of the message associated with the reason for the cancellation.
    • Transfers — Displays the number of transfers made from one site to another.
  2. Specify a time period for the report by choosing one of the following under the DATE RANGE section of the reports menu:
    • Last Week
    • Yesterday
    • 2 days ago
    • MTD (month to date)
    • YTD (year to date)
    • User Spec
    • Last Month
    Note the following:
    • If you specify any time period except User Spec, the system automatically submits the specified parameters and generates the report. If you choose User Spec, the system prompts you to choose a starting and ending month and year for the report. Choose the beginning month and year and the ending month and year, and choose Go to generate the report.
    • The default time period is Last Week. If this time period is chosen, INN-Reach gathers data from Monday 12:01 AM to Sunday 12:00 midnight.
    • If you choose Last Month, the report includes a comparison to the previous month's activity, and the activity for the same month in the previous year.
    • The INN-Reach Patron report can display a maximum of 500 columns. If you create a report that includes more than 500 columns, the report is not created and the system displays the following message:

A report cannot be generated because the number of columns is larger than <500>.

Requests Report

This report displays the number of requests made from one site to another. To calculate these statistics, the system counts instances of the following INN-Reach transactions during the specified time period:

For more information on these transactions, see INN-Reach Circulation Transactions.

In the Requests report, borrowing sites (i.e., the sites that made the requests) appear in the grid columns, and owning sites (i.e., the sites that have been asked to lend the material) appear in the rows. For example, if the site name in column one is West and the site name in row three is South, the number in the cell at the intersection of column one and row three shows the number of requests made by West for materials owned by South.

The Ratio L/B column displays the ratios of borrows to lends for the site in each particular row. This ratio is calculated as the number of items lent by the site divided by the number of items borrowed by the site. If a displayed ratio is greater than one, this indicates that the site lent more items than it borrowed. If the ratio is smaller than one, the site borrowed more items than it lent.

The Totals column displays the request totals for each lending site, and the second row displays request totals for each borrowing site.

Fulfillments Report

This report displays the number of fulfillments made by one site to another. To calculate these statistics, the system counts instances of the following INN-Reach transactions during the specified time period:

For more information on these transactions, see INN-Reach Circulation Transactions.

In the Fulfillments report, each column of the grid displays the number of fulfillments made by the site in a specific row. For example, if the site name in column three is East and the site name in row five is North, the number in the cell at the intersection of column three and row five shows the number of fulfillments from North to East.

The Ratio L/B column displays the ratios of fulfilled borrows to fulfilled lends for a site in each particular row.

The Totals column displays totals of fulfilled requests for each lending site, and the second row displays totals of fulfilled requests for each borrowing site.

Cancellations Report

Cancelled INN-Reach Requests

The counts in this report include a request if:

This report displays the number of request cancellations made by each site, grouped by the number of the message associated with the reason for the cancellation. To calculate these statistics, the system counts instances of the 502 (Cancellation/no re-request) transaction during the specified time period. For more information on this transaction, see INN-Reach Circulation Transactions.

Each row of the Cancellations report displays the number of times each of the seven reasons has been used by a particular site. The Totals column displays the total number of cancellations made by each site, for any reason. Reasons 1-6 are:

  1. Item not on shelf
  2. Item has extended due date (may not be recalled)
  3. Item long overdue
  4. Item still being processed (please request later)
  5. Item too fragile/large to loan
  6. Local data error (item does not circulate)

Reason 7 is typically used to identify a free-text cancellation reason entered by library staff. Your INN-Reach System can also define this cancellation value.

Transfers Report

The Transfers report displays the number of re-requests that occur during a specific time period. An INN-Reach re-request takes place when an owning site cancels the hold on its item, and INN-Reach can identify an item at a new owning site to which it can transfer the hold. For more information, see How Cancelling an INN-Reach Hold with Re-request Works.

When INN-Reach writes the circulation transactions that create the hold at the new owning site (for example, the 104 transaction) and updates the patron record at the patron site (for example, the 204 transaction), it also adds a record of the re-request to the statistics files. To calculate the statistics in this report, the system counts the entries in those statistics files. Note that it does not count the number of circulation transactions themselves.

In the Transfers report, the rows of the grid display the number of re-requests for patrons belonging to the site specified in the Patron Site column and received by the owning site specified in a Requests Transferred to column. For example, if the site name in row four is Statu and the site name in column three is Ccoll, the number in the cell at the intersection of row four and column three shows the number of requests from Statu patrons that were re-requested at Ccoll.

The Totals column displays the total re-requests made for patrons from the site specified in the Patron Site column.