Automatically Cancelling Expired INN-Reach Holds

To enable the Automatic Cancelling of Expired INN-Reach Holds feature for your INN-Reach System, all Local Servers in the INN-Reach System must enable the feature at the same time, and the INN-Reach Central Server and Local Servers must be operating on the appropriate release. For more information on enabling this feature, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

The Automatic Cancelling of Expired INN-Reach Holds feature enables the system to automatically cancel your patrons' INN-Reach holds if the holds are not processed by the owning site prior to the not-needed-after date specified by the patron during requesting. This feature can cancel both standard INN-Reach holds and Pickup Anywhere holds.

If this feature is enabled for an INN-Reach System, the patron site automatically cancels patrons' INN-Reach holds during the night after they become expired (that is, the night after the specified not-needed-after date). A hold can be cancelled only if the virtual item record has a STATUSof '&' (REQUESTED) or '_' (RE-REQUESTED). These status values indicate that the owning site has not yet processed and sent the item to the patron site.

The system does not cancel an INN-Reach hold once the owning site has processed the request. For example, if the item is waiting on the INN-Reach holdshelf at the patron site for pickup by the patron, the system does not modify the hold if the not-needed-after date passes. The patron site must return the item unwanted to modify the hold.

When the system automatically cancels the expired INN-Reach hold, it performs the same actions it does when staff at the patron site cancel the request. In addition, it queues a hold cancellation notice for later printing. To specify the text the system includes in this notice, set the Hold Cancel Notice: Not wanted after date past: Text # circulation option.