Returning an Unwanted INN-Reach Item

If your library has enabled the Optional Circulation Permissions feature for INN-Reach - Return Unwanted Item, you must be assigned permission 1056 (INN-Reach - Return Unwanted Item) to access this function. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

An INN-Reach item is considered unwanted if it has been on the holdshelf at the patron site longer than the time specified in the Time To Pickup element of the INN-Reach Patron Circulation loan rule. When you return an INN-Reach item as unwanted, the system:

To return an unwanted INN-Reach item to the owning site:

  1. Print the INN-Reach Holdshelf Report to identify INN-Reach items that have been held too long.
  2. Choose INN-Reach – Return Unwanted Item from the Function list.
  3. Scan the barcode of the item you want to return (for example, the first item listed in the INN-Reach Holdshelf Report). Sierra displays the Returning Item to Lending Library dialog, which contains the following options:
    Print Cancellation Notice?
    Check this box if you want to print a hold cancellation notice.
    Print Transit Slip?
    Check this box if you want to print an INN-Reach transit slip.
  4. Choose OK. The system:
    • Prints an INN-Reach transit slip immediately (if you chose to print one).
    • Queues the hold cancellation notice for later printing (if you chose to print a cancellation notice). By default, the system includes the following cancellation reason in the notice generated for a returned INN-Reach item: Pickup time has expired. To customize this cancellation reason, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.
    • Adds the scanned item to the summary table display.