Forwarding an INN-Reach Request to the ILL Department

If your library has acquired the Pass2ILL for INN-Reach product, you can automatically forward cancelled INN-Reach requests for processing via traditional ILL department resources.

An INN-Reach request is cancelled if the system cannot identify another item match in the INN-Reach Catalog after the owning site cancels the request with re-request, or if the owning site cancels the request with no re-request. When a request is cancelled, the system updates the patron record by removing relevant hold, message, and virtual item fields, and changing the request STATUS to "CANCELLED". The system updates the patron record either immediately on receipt of the cancellation transaction or only after notices are printed, depending on whether your library prints hold cancellation notices for INN-Reach items.

When your patron's request is cancelled, Pass2ILL for INN-Reach automatically forwards request and bibliographic information by one of the following methods:

In addition, if your library has enabled the printing of INN-Reach hold cancellation notices, Pass2ILL for INN-Reach can also queue a hold cancellation notice that contains Pass2ILL-specific text. For more information, see Setting up a Pass2ILL Hold Cancellation Notice below.

If your library participates in INN-Reach requesting at more than one INN-Reach Central Server, Pass2ILL can be configured to process requests cancelled at any or all of those INN-Reach Servers.

Setting Up a Pass2ILL Hold Cancellation Notice

To set up a Pass2ILL-specific hold cancellation notice:

  1. Enable INN-Reach hold cancellation notices (if not already enabled).
  2. Add a new circulation text message to the Text of Circulation Notices table (if your library prints cancellation notices). For example:

    Your request has not been filled by <INN-Reach System> for the reason listed below. Please contact the ILL Department at <phone number> if you still need this item.

    The hold cancellation notice automatically includes the cancellation reason generated by either the owning site or the INN-Reach Central Server when cancelling the request.
  3. Provide Innovative with the number of the circulation text message you added to the Text of Circulation Notices table.