Automatically Forwarding INN-Reach Requests

System Requirements

To enable the Automatic Forwarding of INN-Reach Requests feature, both the INN-Reach Central Server and Local Servers must be upgraded to the appropriate release. For more information, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

The Automatic Forwarding of INN-Reach Requests feature enables the system to automatically forward an INN-Reach request when the requested item has been paged at your site for a specific length of time. When a request is automatically forwarded, the system cancels the item holds at your site and submits the requests to the INN-Reach Central Server for re-request.

To enable the Automatic Forwarding of INN-Reach Requests feature, the Central System Administrator:

  1. Determines the number of hours an item can remain paged at a site before the system automatically forwards the request for that item to the next supplier on the paging list. (Note that the number of hours an item can remain paged is a system-wide setting. All participating libraries must be set to the same number of hours.)
  2. Contacts Innovative to enable the feature.

At Local Servers that contribute to more than one INN-Reach Central Server, requests from a specific INN-Reach Central Server can be excluded from automatic forwarding. The Central System Administrator should contact Innovative to set this feature to exclude requests from a specific INN-Reach Central Server from automatic forwarding.

The system automatically forwards requests during the night after they become eligible for forwarding. Hold cancellations made using this feature are associated with Cancellation Reason 7 in the INN-Reach Patron Cancellations report.

Automatic Forwarding Feature v. Paged Too Long Report

When forwarding requests, the Automatic Forwarding of INN-Reach Requests feature uses the exact hours specified by the Central System Administrator at setup. In contrast, the "Paged Too Long" report displays hours rounded up to days. As a result, items that are not yet paged longer than the number of hours set in the Automatic Forwarding of INN-Reach Requests feature might appear on the "Paged Too Long" report.

For example, the Automatic Forwarding of INN-Reach Request feature might be set to forward requests if items have been paged more than 48 hours. If the "Paged Too Long" report is run for items paged more than two days, the report displays items that have been paged for 36 hours or more. Items might appear on this report that have been paged for more than 36 hours but less than the actual hours set in the Automatic Forwarding of INN-Reach Requests feature.

Note that the Automatic Forwarding of INN-Reach Requests feature does not forward article requests.

See also:
Cancelling an INN-Reach Hold with Re-request