Receiving an INN-Reach Item from the Patron Site

The owning site receives an INN-Reach item when:

When the owning site receives item, staff must check it in to update both local and INN-Reach records. When you check in the returned item, the system:

To check in an item at the owning site:

  1. Choose Check-In (No Patron) from the Functions drop-down list.
  2. Scan the item's barcode.

The system continues depending on whether the checkin location associated with your login is equal to the owning location:

Item Returned to the Owning Location

If the item is returned to the location to which the item belongs, the system attempts to check in the item. If the checkin is successful, the system displays the message:

Item has status OFF SITE and has been cleared.

Choose OK to clear this message.

The item cannot be checked in if the item location is not mapped to an agency. In this case, the system sends an email message to Innovative Support and displays the message:

Item <itemID> cannot be checked in because its location is not mapped to an agency. Please contact Innovative Support.

Choose OK to clear this message.

Item Returned to Another Location

If the item is returned to another location on the Local Server to which the owning site belongs, the system does one of the following, depending on circulation configuration:

See also:
Checking In Items