Checking In an Item that Belongs to Another Location

The following circulation options determine the system prompts displayed when you check in an item that belongs to another location:

Automatically Printing Transit Slips

If you always want to print a transit slip for items that are set in transit, you can have your system configured to automatically print transit slips. To request automatic transit slip printing, contact Innovative.

When you check in an item that belongs to another location and does not satisfy a hold, the system prompts displayed depend on your library's setup:

All Checkin and Transit Options Display

To prompt staff to choose the checkin and transit options for each item that is to be set in transit to its owning location (and does not satisfy a hold), set the relevant circulation options to their default settings:

Circulation Option Setting
Check-in: Check-in at wrong location ASK
Check-in: Streamlined Check-in at wrong location NO

By default, when you check in items that do not satisfy a hold and are to be set in transit to their owning location, the system prompts you to choose one of the following options:

Do NOT check-in
Leaves the item checked out and does not set the item in transit. The patron remains responsible for the item.
Checks in the item and changes its STATUS to '-' (AVAILABLE). The item is not set in transit.
Set STATUS to in transit; do not check-in
Leaves the item checked out but sets the item in transit. The patron remains responsible for the item until the item is checked in at its owning location.
Set status to in TRANSIT; check-in
Checks the item in and sets it in transit to its owning location.

If you choose to set the item in transit, the system prompts you to print a transit slip for the item. For example:

Item belongs at location Four Points. Print transit slip?

Limited Checkin and Transit Options Display

Your library can limit the checkin and transit options displayed to staff regarding items that do not satisfy a hold and are to be set in transit to their owning location by configuring the system to display only the options for checking in these items or to display only the options for not checking in these items.

Options for Checking In the Item Display

To display only the checkin options for items that are to be set in transit to their owning location, set the relevant circulation options as follows:

Circulation Option Setting
Check-in: Check-in at wrong location ALLOWED
Check-in: Streamlined Check-in at wrong location NO

If your library has configured the system to only check in items that are to go in transit to their owning location (but the system is not otherwise streamlined), and you check in an item that does not satisfy a hold and is to be set in transit to its owning location, the system displays a limited version of the checkin and transit dialog box, with the following checkin and transit choices:

If you choose to set the item in transit, the system prompts you to print the transit slip.

Options for Not Checking In the Item Display

To display only the options for leaving checked out the non-owned items that are to go in transit to their owning location, set the relevant circulation options as follows:

Circulation Option Setting
Check-in: Check-in at wrong location NOT ALLOWED
Check-in: Streamlined Check-in at wrong location NO

If your library has configured the system to never check in items that are to go in transit to their owning location (but the system is not otherwise streamlined), and you check in an item that does not satisfy a hold and is to be set in transit to its owning location, the system displays a limited version of the checkin and transit dialog box, with the following checkin and transit choices:

If you choose to set the item in transit, the system prompts you to print the transit slip.

Options Are Streamlined

Your library can streamline setting items in transit when items do not satisfy a hold and are to go in transit to their owning location. Streamlining further limits the prompts displayed to staff.

Always Check In and Set In Transit

To configure the system so items that are to go in transit to their owning location are always checked in and are automatically set in transit, set the relevant circulation options as follows:

Circulation Option Setting
Check-in: Check-in at wrong location ALLOWED
Check-in: Streamlined Check-in at wrong location YES

If your library has configured the system to automatically check in and set in transit items that are to go in transit to their owning location, and you check in an item that does not satisfy a hold and is to be set in transit to its owning location, the system:

  1. automatically checks the item in
  2. automatically sets the item in transit
  3. prompts you to print the transit slip

Never Check In and Always Set In Transit

To configure the system so items that are to go in transit to their owning location are never checked in but are automatically set in transit, set the relevant circulation options as follows:

Circulation Option Setting
Check-in: Check-in at wrong location NOT ALLOWED
Check-in: Streamlined Check-in at wrong location YES

If your library has configured the system to never check in and to automatically set in transit items that are to go in transit to their owning location, and you check in an item that does not satisfy a hold and is to be set in transit to its owning location, the system:

  1. automatically leaves the item checked out
  2. automatically sets the item in transit
  3. prompts you to print the transit slip

Streamline Options and Automatically Print Transit Slip

Automatic Transit Slip Printing

To configure the system to automatically print the transit slip, streamline options as desired, then contact Innovative and request automatic transit slip printing.

If your library has fully streamlined checkin of items that are to go in transit to their owning location, the system:

  1. automatically checks the item in or leaves the item checked out, as configured
  2. automatically sets the item in transit
  3. automatically prints the transit slip

The system does not display any of the prompts relevant to these tasks.

See also:
Setting an Item In Transit
Determining Item Destination at Checkin
Streamlining Checkin
Checking In an Item that Can Satisfy a Hold
Transit Slips