Transit Slips

This page describes the transit slip used in standard circulation. For information about the transit slip used in INN-Reach circulation, see INN-Reach Transit Slips.

Sierra can print a transit slip when you set an item in transit to another location.

For more information, see the following:

Customizing Transit Slips

Your library can use one of the following features to define the elements of a transit slip:

Default Transit Slip

The default transit slip contains the following elements:

The time the transit slip is printed.
The statistics group associated with the user who printed the transit slip.
The TITLE variable-length field in the bibliographic record.
Call Number
The CALL # variable-length field in the local bibliographic record or, if absent from the bibliographic record, from the item record.
Item Status
The STATUS fixed-length field in the item record.
Transit Message
The following default message: Received. Belongs at location. To accommodate the pickup location name, this message can be a up to 190 pixels and 3 lines in size.

Example Transit Slip

The following is an example transit slip:

Transit slip

See also:
Text of Circulation Notices Table