Choosing Custom Slips

The Custom Slips feature enables Sierra users to choose a customized hold and/or transit slip to print instead of the default hold and/or transit slips.

Slip Choices

The system can print only one type of hold slip and one type of transit slip. To enable one of the custom hold and/or transit slips described below, or to return to the system default hold and/or transit slip, contact Innovative.

You can choose one of the following hold slips:

You can choose one of the following transit slips:

Custom Hold and Transit Slips 2 and 3 enable the use of a patron alias, if the Patron Alias feature is enabled and an alias is present in the patron record.

Printer Requirements

Before requesting that Innovative enable the Custom Slips feature, check the printers your site uses for hold and transit slips.

Custom Hold Slips

Custom Hold Slip 1

Custom Hold Slip 1 prints the following information:

For example:

Custom Hold Slip 1

Custom Hold Slip 2

Custom Hold Slip 2 prints the following information:

For example:

Custom Hold Slip 2

Custom Hold Slip 3

Custom Hold Slip 3 prints the following information:

For example:

Custom Hold Slip 3

Custom Hold Slip 4

Custom Hold Slip 4 prints the following information:

For example:

Custom Hold Slip 4

Custom Hold Slip 5

Custom Hold Slip 5 prints the following information:

For example:

Custom Hold Slip 5

Custom Transit Slips

Custom Transit Slip 1

Custom Transit Slip 1 prints the following information:

For example:

Custom Transit Slip 1

Custom Transit Slip 2

Custom Transit Slip 2 prints the following information:

For example:

Custom Transit Slip 2

Custom Transit Slip 3

Custom Transit Slip 3 prints the following information:

For example:

Custom Transit Slip 3

See also:
Checking In an Item that Can Satisfy a Hold
Checking In an Item that Belongs to Another Location
Creating a Patron Alias
Printing with Print Templates