Check-in: Check-in at wrong location

This circulation option specifies which prompts Circulation offers when you check in an item that belongs to another location.

Possible values are described below. The setting of this option affects other options and products used at your library.

Possible Values

Available settings for this circulation option are:

  1. "ALLOWED" - Display only the options that enable checking in the item:

    • CHECK-IN
    • Set STATUS to "IN TRANSIT"; check-in
  2. "NOT ALLOWED" - Display only the options that prevent checkin:

    • Do NOT check-in
    • Set STATUS to "IN TRANSIT"; do not check-in
  3. "ASK" - Display all possible values:

    • Do NOT check-in
    • CHECK-IN
    • Set STATUS to "IN TRANSIT"; do not check-in
    • Set STATUS to "IN TRANSIT"; check-in

For more information about the effects of each possible value, see Checking In an Item that Belongs to Another Location.

Interaction with Other Options

The value you select for this circulation option interacts with other system options and products in the following ways:

By suppressing the S > Set STATUS to in transit; do not check-in option, the system prevents you from setting the item's STATUS to 't' (IN TRANSIT) without first checking in the item. If you were to place the item in transit without first checking it in, the system would be unable to remove the virtual patron record it created for the item.