Check-in: Streamlined Check-in at wrong location

Set this option to "YES" to streamline the process of:

At the Non-owning/"Wrong" Location

If you set this option to "YES" and place an item in transit to its owning location or to a pickup location in order to satisfy an item-level hold, the system does not prompt you to set the item in transit. Instead, the system automatically:

Streamlining Not Compatible with "ASK"

If the Check-in: Check-in at wrong location option is set to "ASK," the system does not enable the Check-in: Streamlined Check-in at wrong location option.

Checking In Billed Items

The system does not require authorization to check in billed items when this option is set to "YES," regardless of the setting of the Check-in: Authorization Required to Check In Billed Items option.

At the Owning Location

If you set this option to "YES" and check in an item belonging to your library that was set in transit to its owning location (i.e., to your library), the system suppresses the confirmation message.