Checking In an Item whose STATUS Is Not '-'

When you check in an item whose STATUS is not '-' (AVAILABLE), the system takes special action depending on the item's STATUS value:

Item Status Special Actions

'n' (BILLED)

See Checking In a Billed Item.


The system takes no special action upon checkin.


If you are checking the item in at its owning location, the system:

  • changes the item's STATUS to '-' (AVAILABLE)
  • removes the transit message from the item record
  • displays the following message:

Item status is IN TRANSIT and has been cleared.

Streamlining Checkin

To streamline checkin and suppress this confirmation message, set the Check-in: Streamlined Check-in at wrong location circulation option to "YES".

For information about checking in items in transit to another location, see Checking In an Item That Belongs to Another Location and Checking In a Held Item at the Pickup Location.


The system prompts you to clear the item's status. Depending on the setting of the Remove claims returned notes for checked-in items Setup option, the system can also remove the claims returned note from the patron and item records.


If there are no holds on the item, the system changes the item's STATUS to '-' (AVAILABLE) without prompting you. If there is a hold on the item at the current location, see Checking In a Held Item at the Pickup Location.

Other item statuses

The system prompts you to clear the item's status.

Sticky Status Items

Note that if your library has enabled the Sticky Status feature, each time you check in an item, the system checks the item record for the presence of a Sticky Status fixed-length field. If the system encounters a value in the Sticky Status field, Sierra updates the item's STATUS field with that value and checks the item in.

Clearing an Item's Status

The system prompts you to clear an item's status (that is, change the STATUS value to '-' (AVAILABLE)) by displaying the following dialog:

Item status is <STATUS>. Clear it?

To change the item's status, choose Yes. To check in the item without changing the status, choose No.

Note that the system does not update any other field in the item record unless the item is currently checked out.

See also:
Checking Out an Item whose Status Is Not '-'
Viewing Item Status