Claiming Items Returned

To claim an item as returned by the patron, you must be assigned the following permissions:

  • To view the Checked-Out Items tab, you must be assigned permission 94 (View patron record in check-out). Additionally, if your library set the Authorization required to view checked out items for patron Circulation Option to "YES," you must also be assigned permission 167 (View items checked out to patron) to see all the items checked out to a patron. If this Circulation Option is set to "YES" and you are not assigned permission 167, you are only able to view overdue items.
  • To use the Claim Returned button, you must be assigned permission 46 (Claims returned).

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Claiming an INN-Reach Item Returned

This page describes claiming a local circulation item as returned. If you want to claim an INN-Reach item returned, see Claiming an INN-Reach Item Returned.

If a patron claims to have returned an item, but the item has not been checked in, you can claim the item returned. When you claim an item returned, the system does the following:

To claim one or more items as returned by a patron:

  1. If the patron's record is not already displaying, retrieve it.
  2. View the Checked-Out Items tab:
    • Click on the Checked-Out Items tab, or
    • Choose Go | Circulation | Circulation Desk | Checked-Out Items
  3. Select the item(s) to claim returned from the table of items checked out to the patron. If you select more than one item, all selected items will have the same claim returned date and will be checked in or left checked out together.
  4. Choose the Claim Returned button. The system displays a dialog for choosing the claims returned date.
  5. Select a date or, if the patron does not know when he/she returned the item, choose the Blank Date button at the bottom of the dialog. The claims returned notes will indicate an "Unknown Date," for example:
Mon Jun 07 1999: Claimed returned .i1170805 on Unknown Date
  1. Choose one of the following options, depending on what you want the system to do to the item record:
Check in items (with no fines) and change status to MISSING
The system changes the item's STATUS to 'm', checks in the item, and prompts you to cancel any outstanding holds on the item.
Check in items (with no fines) and change status to CLAIMS RTRND
The system changes the item's STATUS to 'z', checks in the item, and waives any outstanding fines or bills for the checkout. Charges associated with previous transactions are not automatically waived.
Leave items checked out (send overdue notices) and change status to CLAIMS RTRND
The system changes the item's STATUS to 'z' and leaves the item checked out to the patron. If the patron does not return the item, the system continues to send overdue notices, generate a bill, etc.

After an item's STATUS changes to 'n' (BILLED) due to a bill's generation, staff can waive or adjust the charge, or collect the amount due. Manually changing the item STATUS to 'z' (CLAIMS RETURNED) does not remove the charge from the patron record.

When you choose any of the above three options, the system:

NOTE Tue Jun 01 1999: Claimed returned on Tue Jun 01 1999 by .p1063529
(from item record)

NOTE Tue Jun 01 1999: Claimed returned .i1047539 on Tue Jun 01 1999
(from patron record)

Clearing Status and Removing Claimed Returned Notes

When the item is checked in, the system asks if it should clear the item's status (i.e., change the STATUS of the item to '-' (AVAILABLE). If the user chooses not to clear the item's STATUS, the item will be checked in but its STATUS will remain 'z' (CLMS RTRND). For more information on checking in items that have been claimed returned, consult Checking In an Item whose STATUS is Not '-'.

In addition, when the item is checked in, the system uses the setting of the Remove claims returned notes for checked-in items Setup option to determine if it should remove the "claimed returned" note from the patron and item records. These notes are automatically removed if the item is placed in transit (that is, the item STATUS is set to 't'). For information on setting items in transit, consult Checking In an Item that Belongs to Another Location.

Allow Rapid Updating of CL RTRND Field

If the Allow Rapid Updating of CL RTRND Field feature is enabled, you can use the Rapid Update function to reset the value of the CL RTRND fixed-length field. To have this feature enabled at your library, contact Innovative.