Check MISSING items

The Check MISSING items option allows you to clear the On Search (Missing Items) file. This file contains records of missing items (i.e., items which have had their STATUS set to "MISSING" or "CL RETURNED"). You can clear the On Search file of items which are no longer missing.

Viewing Records in the On Search File

The items currently in the On Search file can be reviewed by using Create Lists. See Viewing System-Generated Review Files and Copying a Review File for additional information.

Records with STATUS 'c' Are Not Cleared

An item in the On Search file whose STATUS is changed to 'c' is not removed from the On Search file when staff choose the Check MISSING items menu option. Staff may want to define this status for items that they want to leave in the On Search file for a longer time but do not want to display as "MISSING" or "CLAIMS RETURNED".

When you select the Check MISSING items option in Admin Corner, the system displays the following menu:

                       Clear Items from the ONSEARCH File
                          12 items in the file

1 > Clear all items
2 > Clear items only for a certain location
3 > Clear items for clapp, mem, huma
Choose one (1,2,3,Q)

1 > Clear all items

Clears all items in the On Search file that are no longer missing.

2 > Clear items only for a certain location

Clears only items of a certain location that are no longer missing. The system asks:

Clear items only for location _ _ _ _ _

Enter a valid location code (up to 5 characters).

3 > Clear items for <locations>

Clears all items for the locations listed in the menu selection that are no longer missing (option 3 only appears if the Locations Served table entry for the terminal is a list of valid locations for the assigned statistics group).

Clearing Items

When you choose one of the menu options from the Clear Items from the ONSEARCH File menu, the system looks for items in the On Search file that are no longer missing. Items are considered no longer missing if they have been checked in or checked out, or otherwise have had their status updated since they were placed in the On Search file.

If all the items in the file are still missing, the system displays:

All items examined. 0 items to clear.

Press <SPACE> to continue

If one or more items in the file are no longer missing, a message like the following displays for each item:

Item .i1017260 no longer has status MISSING or CL RETURNED
TITLE: The Palazzo da Porto Festa in Vicenza / Erik Forssman

Press <SPACE> to continue

Pressing <SPACE> displays subsequent messages.

When you have displayed messages for all items that have been found, the system displays a summary:

12 items examined. 8 items to clear
ONSEARCH file now has 12 items
Clear items from file? (y/n)

To remove those items that are no longer missing from the On Search file, enter 'y'.

To leave these items in the On Search file, enter 'n'.