Viewing System-Generated Review Files

Review file attributes are not available for most system-generated review files.

Various Sierra applications automatically create review files as part of their operation. You can view these files from the Review Files tab of Create Lists by copying them into an empty review file. System-generated review files include:

Items on Search
Items with STATUS set to "MISSING" or "CLAIMS RETURNED" via the CLAIMS RETURNED function (but not via the UPDATE function). Also refers to items with STATUS set to "MISSING" via the HOLD PLACEMENT function.
Purchase ALERTS
Item or bibliographic records with holds exceeding the threshold specified in the Holds: Number of holds before purchase alert circulation option; the library might want to consider purchasing additional copies of these items. Note that this file must be emptied manually by the library after copying it to another review file. The library should determine how often this is done.
Items with HOLDS
Items currently checked out with outstanding item level holds. This is neither a list of all titles that have holds nor a list of all holds. Because this file is updated once per night, it can contain items that are no longer on hold (for example, if the hold has been cancelled or filled). This file cannot be emptied.
All overdue items, including those that do not require overdue notices at this time. Because this file is updated once per night, it can contain items that are no longer overdue (for example, items that have been renewed). This file cannot be emptied.

In addition to the foregoing, you might see review files such as:

Lastly, some optional products also use system-generated review files, including: