Viewing Coverage Load Results

Results of your login's most recent update to your library's coverage table and/ or catalog by means of a coverage load are saved on the View Results tab. The tab includes status of the update, the name of the file used for the update, the time the update started and finished, and the number of file lines that were processed in the update.

To view the coverage load results:

  1. Select Coverage Load from the Function list.
  2. If the Source drop-down menu appears, select Manual to view the results of the last manual coverage load. If it does not appear, proceed to the next step.
  3. Located the View Results tab. This tab displays up to four additional tabs described below.
Tab Description
Catalog updates Displays a list of records in the catalog that the system updated during the last coverage load.
Coverage updates Displays a list of resources in the coverage table that the system updated during the last coverage load. The columns are determined by the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules file.
Titles not in file

Displays the following information:

  • A list of resources in the coverage table that the system partially updated during the last coverage load.
  • The date on which the system last updated the individual title.

Partially updated resources contain titles that are candidates for deletion (e.g., titles dropped by the provider). To delete titles from the coverage table:

  1. Select Expand All to display the titles within the resources.
  2. Check the Select box next to the individual title or click the Select All button.
  3. Click the Delete Selected button.

If your library has acquired Electronic Resource Management (ERM), you can save a system-generated review file of deletion candidates. If a title is listed in the Titles not in file tab, the system searches for all records with the same ISSN and Resource ID and saves the results in a system-generated review file of holdings records. To access the review file you must use Create Lists "Copy" feature. The system-generated review file for delete candidates is labelled: "Delete candidates from last coverage load."


You can delete only all entries in a given resource or none of the entries. If you want to delete some of the entries in a resource, export the coverage resources partially updated report and then use Coverage Edit to delete individual entries.

Resources Not Updated Displays a list of resources in the coverage table that were not updated. This list shows entire providers no longer included in the incoming coverage data file.

Saving Coverage Load Results

To save Coverage Load results to a file:

  1. Select File | Save Report.
  2. In the Save report file dialog, choose a file or directory in which to save the report.

The report file can be opened with many word processors, spreadsheet programs, or web browsers.

Printing Coverage Load Results

To print the Coverage Load results, select File | Print, and choose a printer.