Editing the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules

To edit the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules, you must be assigned permission 554 (Edit Coverage Conversion Rules). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules are used to map the coverage data from coverage spreadsheet format into a format that:

To convert coverage data correctly from coverage spreadsheets (files in TXT or CSV format) to the format used in the Innovative system, maintain the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules.

The system applies the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules when it "preprocesses" the coverage spreadsheet in Coverage Load. Preprocessing maps coverage data from the spreadsheet format into a format used by Innovative.

To edit the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules, follow these steps:

  1. Choose  Admin |  Parameters |  General | Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules.
  2. Edit the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules file. See Mapping Data in the Rules Text File.
  3. Choose Save.

Mapping Data in the Rules Text File

The Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules window contains three sections:

The Provider Conversion section maps provider names in the coverage spreadsheet to the provider names you use in your Innovative system.

If a provider name is not listed in the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules file, it is loaded into the coverage table as it appears in the coverage spreadsheet.

The Heading Conversion section maps fields (also known as headers or headings) in the coverage spreadsheet to the fields in the coverage table.

Any fields not listed in the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules are not loaded into the coverage table. This can be helpful for excluding extraneous fields.

Each of the section names, like the file header, is prepended with a "#" sign and is not "read" by the system. Each section contains rules. Each rule consists of a vertical bar delimited line with the following three fields:

Column     Description
type The type of field for which you are specifying a conversion, for example date, provider, or fields. See the example below.
key The value to match in the input file, for example "JSTOR Business Collection." This field is case sensitive. Trailing spaces are ignored. See the example below.
value The value to map the key to for the output file, for example "JSTOR:Business Collection." See the example below.

Mapping Example

provider|JSTOR Business Collection    |JSTOR:Business Collection

See also:
Automatically Adjusting for the Embargo Period for Resources