Formatting Coverage Spreadsheets (Text Files)

Coverage data can be loaded from coverage spreadsheets (files in TXT or CSV format).

The data in coverage spreadsheets must be converted (processed) into a form readable by the Innovative system. To properly convert the coverage spreadsheet data, maintain the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules file.

Coverage spreadsheet data are comprised of two types of vertical-bar-delimited entries:

The final field of a configuration or data entry does not require a trailing vertical bar delimiter.

The data entries must conform to the format specified by the configuration entry. The system identifies elements in the data entries by referring to the configuration entry. For example, if the second element in the configuration entry is "ISSN," the second element of each data entry is treated as an ISSN. The system copies the data in the second element of each data entry into the ISSN column of the coverage database and/or into the ISSN field of the bibliographic record. The system does not verify that the second element of each data entry is actually an ISSN.

Configuration Entries

The configuration entry is one line of text that specifies the order of elements in data entries. The system identifies elements in the data entries by referring to the configuration entry.

The first line of the coverage spreadsheet must be a configuration entry. For example:


The field names used in the configuration entry (TITLE, ISSN, etc.) must be specified in the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules file.

The standard configuration fields are:

Field Purpose
PROVIDER The vendor, supplier, identifier, or provider of the title.
TITLE The title.
ISSN The title's International Standard Serial Number.
ISBN The title's International Standard Book Number.
EISSN The title's Electronic International Standard Serial Number.
START_DATE The start date of coverage for the title.
END_DATE The end date of coverage for the title.
embargo The embargo period for the title.
URL The URL for the title.
USER<number> The values of user-defined fields.

A maximum of four user-defined fields are allowed in each configuration entry.

The default Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules do not contain user<number> entries. To use user-defined fields, their names must be specified in the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules file. See Loading and Editing User-Defined Coverage Table Columns for more information.
PUBLIC_NOTE Used if your library has acquired ERM. The text for the hyperlink in the WebOPAC full record display's resource table. This text automatically appears in the 856 |z field of the holdings record and as hyperlink text (for the URL in the first y-tagged field of the resource record).
ALTLOOKUP The alternative matchpoint used in coverage database updates. For more information about using the alternative matchpoint, see Using Alternate Lookups.
ENUMCAPTION<number> The enumeration caption for the enumeration level.

A maximum of six enumeration caption (e.g., ENUM_CAPTION<number>) fields are allowed in each configuration entry.
ENUMSTART<number> Starting date for the enumeration level.

A maximum of six enumeration start (e.g., ENUM_START<number>) fields are allowed in each configuration entry.
ENUMEND<number> Ending date for the enumeration level.

A maximum of six enumeration end (e.g., ENUM_END<number>) fields are allowed in each configuration entry.

A maximum of four user-defined fields are allowed in each configuration entry. The names of the user-defined fields must be specified in the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules file.

Data Entries

Each data entry is one line of text containing the information about a title. The data entries must conform to the format specified by the configuration entry.

The system does not verify that the data in a data entry field is of the type specified by the configuration entry. For example, if an ISSN is mistakenly entered in the TITLE field of a data entry, the ISSN is loaded into the TITLE column of the coverage database and/or the TITLE field of the bibliographic record.

Except PROVIDER, fields with no value can be left blank.


The following fields have special requirements:

Coverage Spreadsheet Examples

This example shows a text (TXT) file containing a configuration entry and two data entries:

Angewandte Chemie|0570-0833|19620101|19971231|Wiley InterScience:Angewandte Chemie||3 months ago|1481137|University patrons only
21st century fuels|1075-038X|19950108|19980601|EBSCO Library||||

This example shows a coverage spreadsheet (CSV) containing enumeration captions and levels:

Acta Biotheoretica,0001-5342,,1994, ,,63,series,3,53,volume,1,2,volume,1,2,pages,1,2002,foliant,11,22,number,12,23
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica,0001-690X,1600-0447,1993,,,107,ser.,91,112,issue,1,5,pages,1,5
Adsorption,0929-5607,,1997, ,,125,series,3,11,pages
Advances in Physics,0001-8732,1460-6976,1993, ,,166,volume,43,54,issue,2,3
Affilia,0886-1099,,1999, ,,192,volume,14,20,issue,1,4
Age and Ageing,0002-0729,1468-2834,1993, ,,207,volume,24,34,issue,1,5
Agriculture and Human Values,0889-048X,,1998, ,,223,volume,14,22,issue,1,3
AIDS Patient Care and STDs,1087-2914,0165-2060,1993, ,,238,volume,8,19,issue,6,10
American Behavioral Scientist,0002-7642,,1993, ,,291,volume,38,49,issue,2,3