Maintaining Coverage Data for Resources

The system stores coverage data that describe the resources owned or licensed by your library.

About Resources

Resources can be entered in your library's system as:

You interact with resources for a different purpose in each product:

In this case, resources are databases containing titles. Titles are sometimes called e-journals, electronic serials, etc. For example, EconLit (a resource or "database") can be provided to a library by EBSCOHost (a resource provider). EconLit might contain the titles "Journal of International Business Studies" and "Problems and Perspectives in Management".

In this case, a resource is any URL, including—but not limited to—the URLs associated with titles.

For example, ProQuest can serve as any of the following:

When ProQuest is a database provider (also known as a database vendor) to your library, you manage ProQuest as a resource in ERM. You create records in ERM, such as resource, license, contact, and order records, for ProQuest.

When ProQuest serves as an external origin, the WebBridge resolution server receives requests from the ProQuest server. You create an origin definition in WebBridge for ProQuest.

When ProQuest serves as a WebBridge target resource, the WebBridge resolution server responds to a request from an origin by providing a link to data on the ProQuest server. You create a resource definition in WebBridge for ProQuest.

About Coverage Data

Coverage data store information about your library's resource providers, titles, EISSNs, holdings for titles, access restrictions, and so on. Several Innovative products can use the coverage data stored in the system. Coverage data are stored in the coverage table.

Load coverage data into the coverage table by using Coverage Load.

Edit the coverage data in the coverage table by using Coverage Edit.

When processing coverage data into the coverage table, the Innovative system performs several checks to determine how the data should be handled. For more information, see How the Catalog and Coverage Options Work.

For more information about the DTD for the coverage data, see Formatting XML Files for Coverage Data.

Coverage data is used by:

Product Purpose
WebPAC You can display the coverage for electronic serials in the WebPAC.

WebBridge can check OpenURL metadata against your coverage data and offer links to a resource only if your library has licensed the requested title and holdings. For more information, see Creating Field Selectors for OpenURL Elements and Suppressing Resources Based on Coverage Data.

You create and maintain coverage data in Coverage Load and Coverage Edit.


You can maintain resources by using ERM.

You can use ERM to simultaneously update the coverage table and your library's catalog (bibliographic and holdings records) from coverage update files. ERM can create bibliographic and holdings records from data in a coverage update file. For more information, see Loading Coverage Data and Electronic Holdings Administration.

If your library has acquired ERM, you can create review files that contain coverage data. For more information, see Create Lists Settings.

If your library has acquired ERM, for titles in the coverage table you do not enter holdings data in the LIB HAS fields of holdings records. Holdings records and resource records for titles in the coverage table are soft-linked, allowing the system to locate holdings data from the coverage table to display in records (by matching the RESOURCE ID field of the resource record to the RESOURCE ID in the coverage table). Note that the holdings data from the coverage table display in records in a contrasting color, and cannot be edited with the Editor (Editor allows you to edit fields in records).

Serials You can maintain resources by using Serials if your library has acquired ERM.

You can maintain resources by using Administration.

You can use Administration to simultaneously update the coverage table and your library's catalog (bibliographic and holdings records) from coverage update files. Administration can create bibliographic and holdings records from data in a coverage update file. For more information, see Loading Coverage Data and Electronic Holdings Administration.

If your library has acquired Administration, for titles in the coverage table you do not enter holdings data in the LIB HAS fields of holdings records. Holdings records and resource records for titles in the coverage table are soft-linked, allowing the system to locate holdings data from the coverage table to display in records (by matching the RESOURCE ID field of the resource record to the RESOURCE ID in the coverage table). Note that the holdings data from the coverage table display in records in a contrasting color, and cannot be edited with the Editor (Editor allows you to edit fields in records).

About the Coverage Table

The coverage table contains data about ERM-style resources (also called databases). Each entry in the coverage table describes a title in a resource.

The coverage table can contain these data for each title:

Column UTF-8 Byte Limit Purpose of data
provider 64 The vendor, supplier, identifier, or provider of the title.
input_source 25 The source of the data for the title. This value must be "NON_CASE" (indicating a manual upload or edit through Coverage Load or Coverage Edit). The "CASE" value (indicating that the source of the data is an automatic upload from the CASE server) is no longer supported.
update_time -- The time and date of the last update to the title.
title 255 The title.
issn 20 The title's International Standard Serial Number.
isbn 20 The title's International Standard Book Number.
eissn 20 The title's Electronic International Standard Serial Number.
start_date 10 The start date of coverage for the title.
end_date 10 The end date of coverage for the title.
embargo 10 The embargo period for the title.
url 65535 The URL for the title.
user<number> 255 The values of user-defined fields. A maximum of four user<number> columns per provider are allowed. See Loading and Editing User-Defined Coverage Table Columns for more information.
active 4 Value that indicates whether the title is active.

20 An ID number for fields and values that associates them to a title.
public_note 65535 Used if your library has acquired ERM. The text for the hyperlink in the WebOPAC full record display's resource table. This text automatically appears in the 856 |z field of the holdings record and as hyperlink text (for the URL in the first y-tagged field of the resource record).
display_title 255 The title displayed to the public.
alt_lookup 85 The alternative matchpoint used in coverage database updates. For more information about using the alternative matchpoint, see Formatting Coverage Spreadsheets (Text Files).
enum_caption<number> 12 The enumeration caption for the enumeration level.
enum_start<number> 12 Starting date for the enumeration level.
enum_end<number> 12 Ending date for the enumeration level.

Related tables can contain: