Sierra Desktop Administration

Sierra desktop administration includes functions associated with the Administration workflow and a variety of commands found on the Admin menu.

Administration Functions

Administration workflow functions include:

Admin Menu Commands

The Sierra desktop application Admin menu provides access to a variety of administrative functions, options, parameters, and settings:

Change Password
Allows permitted users to change their password. See Changing Your Sierra Desktop Password.
Camera Options
See the discussion of Camera Options.
Clear Permissions
Clears the current permission set; see Clearing and Resetting Permissions During Sessions. The Clear Permissions option is enabled only if the current permissions are set.
Note that this does not log you out of the Sierra server. To log out of the server, choose File | Exit.
After you clear the permissions, Sierra returns you to your default function. If you need password authorization to enter your default function, Sierra prompts you to enter new permissions. When you exit the default function, Sierra restores your permissions setting to "none." See the Password Memory section for more information on this process.

Sierra Circulation and ILL reset the Recent Patrons and Recent Check-Ins submenus when you select this option.

Free ILL Requests
Checks all locked ILL requests and unlocks those which are not currently being processed (see Freeing ILL Requests).
Free Records in Use
Frees a record that the system has erroneously not freed. For more information, see Freeing Records in Use.
Install Latest Translation Files
At multi-lingual or non-English sites, this command updates the system's translation files with the most recent versions available from Innovative. (To see the changes, you must restart your Sierra client.)
Opt Out SMS Phone Number
At libraries outside of the U.S., enables staff to opt patron phone numbers out of SMS Alerts.
The Options menus control the behavior of the system for the current user. See Administering User Options for more information. The Options menus are active only for user with permission 187 (Login Manager). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.
Parameters | Acquisitions
This menu includes the following submenu options:
  • Claim Cycle Values—Opens the Claim Cycle Values window so that you can edit or add to the CLAIM cycle codes file. See Claim Cycle Values Table for more information.
  • External Fund Codes—Opens the External Funds window so that you can edit or add to the EXTERNAL fund code file. See External Fund Codes Table for more information.
  • Foreign Currency—Opens the Foreign Currency window so that you can edit the Foreign Currency table. See Foreign Currency Codes and Rates for more information.
  • Inventory Express—Opens the Inventory Express window so that you can edit the Inventory Express table. See Inventory Express Table for more information.
  • Library SAN File—Opens the Library SAN File window so that you can edit or enter Library SAN information. See Library SAN File for more information.
  • Multiselection Groups—Opens the Multiselection Groups window so that you can edit the Multiselection Groups table. See Multiselection Groups Table for more information.
  • Receiving and Billing Locations Table—Enables you to maintain a list of RLOC (receiving location) and BLOC (billing location) codes, and their corresponding addresses. See Receiving and Billing Locations Table for more information.
  • Use Tax Rate—Opens the Use Tax window so that you can edit the Use Tax table. See Use Tax Rates Table for more information.
  • Value Added—Opens the Value Added window so that you can edit the Value Added table. See Value Added Table for more information.
  • Vendor Messages—Enables you to add, edit, or delete the messages to vendors that appear on purchase orders and claims. See Vendor Messages Table for more information.
  • Web Links—Enables you to set Review, Annotation, Search, and Image links. See Web Links Table for more information.
  • Web Works Selection Lists Review Files—Opens the Web Works Selection Lists Review File table which enables you to define which review files appear while using the Web Works Selection Lists product. See Web Works Selection Lists Review Files for more information.
Parameters | Cataloging
This menu includes the following submenu options:
  • Special Field Codes
  • Special Field Codes (Chinese MARC)
  • Special Field Codes (Korean MARC)
  • Special Field Codes (UNIMARC)
  • Special Field Defaults
The Special Field Codes menu options enable you to view definitions for 006, 007, and 008 fields in MARC records, and 1XX fields in Chinese MARC and UNIMARC records. The Special Field Defaults menu option enables you to maintain default values for these special MARC fields. See Viewing Special Field Codes and Maintaining Special Field Defaults for more information.
Parameters | Circulation
This menu includes the following submenu options:
  • Automated Self Check-out Messages—Enables you to customize many of the messages that appear during automated self-checkout on the 3M standard interface protocol using the SIP Circulation Interface. For more information, see the Editable SIP2 Selfcheck Messages Feature.
  • Bookings Preparation—Enables you to specify the time needed to prepare an item for a booking. For more information, see Bookings Preparation Table.
  • Branch Addresses—Enables you to edit the table that contains the library's return address(es) for printing on circulation notices. For more information, see Branch Addresses Table.
  • Collection Agency Settings—Enables you to specify criteria for Collection Agency Reports. For more information, see Collection Agency Settings.
  • Days Closed—Enables you to specify the days on which your library is closed. For more information, see Days Closed Table.
  • Deposit Collection Map—Enables you to define the item types used to circulate deposit collection items at member libraries. For more information, see Deposit Collection Map.
  • Email Subject—Enables you to create alternate subject lines for circulation notices that are sent by email. For more information, see Email Subject Table.
  • Float Determiner Table—Enables you to edit the table that determines if an item can float among a library's branches. For more information, see Float Determiner Table.
  • Held Item Delivery Locations—Enables you to edit the table that designates a location as a "delivery location" for the Held Item Delivery product. For more information, see Held Item Delivery Locations Table.
  • Hold Pickup Locations—Enables you to edit the table that specifies a name or meaning for a library location code that is used for that location when it is used as a hold pickup location. If your library has enabled the Title Priority Paging feature, you can also specify locations that should be paged for a title and, if so, in what order. For more information, see Hold Pickup Locations Table.
  • Hold Thresholds—Enables you to specify a threshold for a hold pickup location and material type in order to track the number of holds placed on materials at specific locations. For more information, see Hold Thresholds Table.
  • Hours Open—Enables you to enter the opening and closing times of any or all locations. For more information, see Hours Open Table.
  • Language Preference—Enables you to view the list of codes for the languages in which Sierra Circulation can generate patron notices. For more information, see Language Preference Table.
  • Library Priority—Enables you to set a prioritized list of library locations for use when placing requests and title-level holds on available items. For more information, see Library Priority Table.
  • Loan Rule Determiner—Enables you to specify which Loan Rule the system applies when an item is presented for checkout. For more information, see Loan Rule Determiner Table.
  • Loan Rules—Enables you to define Loan Rules. For more information, see Loan Rules.
  • Payment Types—Enables you to edit the table that defines the payment methods (such as credit card, cash, etc.) you can select when you collect or waive a fine. For more information, see Payment Types Table.
  • Predefined Charges—Enables you to define manual charges that staff can apply to patron records. For more information, see Predefined Charges Table.
  • Predefined Routes—Enables you to create reusable Mobile Collection routes. For more information, see Predefined Routes Table.
  • Statistical Group Maintenance—Enables you to edit the table that associates each statistics group with a specific name and location. For more information, see Statistical Group Maintenance Table.
  • Time to Holdshelf—Enables you to specify alternate status messages to display for items recently placed on the holdshelf at their pickup locations, and to delay the production of hold pickup notices for a specific amount of time. For more information, see Time to Holdshelf Table.
  • Text of Circulation Notices—Enables you to define the text for circulation notice messages. For more information, see Text of Circulation Notices Table.
  • Time to Reshelve—Enables you to specify alternate STATUS messages that the WebPAC can display for newly created and recently checked in items. For more information, see Time to Reshelve Table.
Parameters | ERM
This menu includes the following submenu options:
  • Electronic Holdings Administration—Enables you to prompt Sierra ERM to create new bibliographic and holdings records that are indicated by the data but which do not exist when the system is loading coverage data. For more information, see Electronic Holdings Administration.
  • ERM Tickler—Enables you to manage ERM Tickler rules. For more information, see Managing Tickler Rules.
Parameters | General
This menu includes the following submenu options:
  • Agency—Enables you to group your library's locations and branches into agencies. For more information, see Agency File.
  • Branches—Enables you to edit the location codes, which specify where an item is located. For more information, see Branches Table.
  • Country Codes—Enables you to edit the descriptive names for each of the MARC country codes used on the system. For more information, see Country Codes Table.
  • Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules—Enables you to edit the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules that map vendor data to an Innovative system-readable format for input in the Coverage Database. For more information, see Editing the Coverage Spreadsheet Conversion Rules.
  • Edit <record type> <field name> List—Enables you to maintain lists of values for some of the resource and license record variable-length fields that appear in the WebPAC. For more information, see Editing Multi-value Variable-length Field Values.
  • Fixed-length Codes—Enables you to define accepted values and the corresponding meaning for all single-character fixed-length fields, such as bibliographic BCODE fields or patron record MBLOCK fields. For more information, see Fixed-length Codes File.
  • Fixed-length Field Names—Enables you to edit the names of fixed-length fields. For more information, see Fixed-length Field Names Table.
  • Index Labels—Enables you to edit the labels used for database indices. For more information, see Index Labels Table.
  • Item Status Codes—(Sierra 4.0 and later) Enables you to edit item status codes and their accepted meanings. For more information, see Item Status Codes table.
  • Item Types—Enables you to maintain the Item Type codes, which are used by the system in conjunction with Patron Type codes to determine the loan rule for an item. For more information, see Item Types Table.
  • Language Codes—Enables you to maintain the descriptive names for each of the MARC language codes used in the LANG field in bibliographic records. For more information, see Language Codes Table.
  • Material Types—(Sierra 4.0 and later) Enables you to edit material type codes and their accepted meanings. For more information, see the Material Types table.
  • Patron Blocks—Enables you to specify criteria under which patrons of a given P TYPE are blocked from circulation activity. For more information, see Patron Blocks Table.
  • Patron Type—Enables you to edit the table that provides descriptive names for each of the 256 Patron Types. For more information, see Patron Type Table.
  • Pcode 3—Enables you to edit the Pcode 3 table. For more information, see Pcode 3 Table.
  • Pcode 4—Enables you to edit the Pcode 4 table. For more information, see Pcode 4 Table.
  • Variable-length Field Names—Enables you to edit the names of variable-length fields. For more information, see Variable-length Field Names Table.
Parameters | Program Registration
This menu includes the following submenu options:
  • Language Preference—Enables you to view the list of codes for the languages in which Program Registration can generate patron emails. For more information, see Language Preference Table.
  • Patron Eligibility—Enables you to specify criteria under which patrons are eligible to register for programs. For more information, see Patron Eligibility Table.
  • Predefined Broadcast Email Text—Enables you to define the text of different types of broadcast emails that can be manually sent to registered or waitlisted patrons. For more information, see Predefined Broadcast Email Text Table.
  • Program Type—Enables you to specify a list of program types with which programs can be associated. For more information, see Program Type Table.
Parameters | Security
This menu includes the following submenu option:
  • Password Policies—Enables you to set system policies for login passwords. For more information, see Setting Password Policies.
Parameters | Serials
This menu includes the following submenu options:
  • Box Status Labels—Enables you to create and edit checkin card box labels that are specific to your library. For more information, see Box Status Labels Table.
  • Holdings Update Identifiers—Enables you to create a list of up to 100 commonly-used identifiers for Ejournal Holdings Update. For more information, see How Identifiers Are Used in Updating Holdings.
  • Vendor Administration—Enables you to administer serials vendors' access to the E-Checkin Server. For more information, see Vendor Administration Table.
Parameters | Tasks | Email Messages
Sets the subject line and message text of Begin, Success, Failure, and End emails for each of the available task types in Sierra Scheduler.
Parameters | Web Access Management
This menu includes the following submenu options:
  • Resource Table—Defines remote server and database information for the logging of patron statistics. For more information, see Editing the Forward Table.
  • Unverified Patron Table—Identifies patrons coming from known or trusted IP addresses who do not have to authenticate to access a database (as defined in the Forward table and the Limit Network Access table). For more information, see Changing Unverified Patron Table for Web Access Management.
  • Verified Patron Table—Defines the patron types that must be authenticated before those patrons can access a restricted database (as defined in the Forward table and the Limit Network Access table) via an alternate IP address set by your organization. For more information, see Changing the Verified Patron Table for Web Access Management.
  • WAM Blocks Table —Defines the criteria for blocking patron access. For more information, see Using the WAM Blocks Table.
RFID Pad Server Options
Enables you to edit the RFID Pad Server Options table. For more information, see Using RFID Technology with Item Status API.
Send ARTEmail Requests
Email the requests in the ARTEmail file to ARTEmail. This option is available only at libraries that have acquired the Transmit Electronic ILL Requests – British Library ARTEmail product (Product Code 702). For more information on ARTEmail, see ILL Acquisition Methods and Acquiring ILL Requests via ARTEmail.

To choose the Send ARTEmail Requests option, you must be assigned permission 65 (ILL Admin).

Set Permissions
Sets the current permissions; see Clearing and Resetting Permissions During Sessions. The Set Permissions option is enabled only if the current permissions are not set.
Note that this does not log you in to the Sierra server. You log in to the server only once – at startup.
After you set your permissions, Sierra returns you to your default function. If the permissions you enter lack authorization to enter your default function, Sierra prompts you to enter new permissions. See the Password Memory section for more information on this process.

Sierra Circulation and ILL reset the Recent Patrons and Recent Check-Ins submenus when you select this option.

Enables you to specify the settings for creating new records, rapid updating, receiving, invoicing, patron recommendations, and displaying URL links or book jackets in the brief bibliographic display.
URL Block
Enables you to add URLs to the URL Block list, which excludes the URL from being tested by the URL Checker. See Blocking URLs for more information.
WebBridge Edit
Displays a list of configuration editing options for WebBridge, including the ability to edit categories, origin definitions, filters, field selectors, data tests, and resource definitions. This option is available only from applications and functions related to WebBridge, such as Coverage Load or Coverage Edit. See WebBridge for more information.