Float Determiner Table

To edit the Float Determiner table, you must be assigned permission 676 (Edit Float Determiner table). If you are assigned permission 373 (View Circulation Parameters) but not 676, you can view this file but cannot edit it. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

If your library has acquired Floating Collections, you can set up the Float Determiner table to specify which types of items float among your library's branches upon checkin.

You can access the Float Determiner table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Float Determiner Table

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables and Maintaining Circulation Parameters.

For more information, see Functionality Information and Data Elements.

Functionality Information

When viewing and modifying the Float Determiner table, note the following:

Maximum Number of Entries
The Float Determiner table can contain a maximum of 1,500 entries (Sierra 5.2 and earlier) or 2,500 entries (Sierra 5.3 and later).
Table Read Bottom to Top
The system reads the Float Determiner table from the bottom to the top. General entries (such as those that contain wildcards) should appear higher in the table than more specific entries. Innovative recommends that you set up the first entry in the table to apply to all Item Location, Terminal Location, and Item Type values, with a Shared value of "N". This entry ensures that if no other entry in the table applies to a checked-in item's combination of item location, checkin location, and item type, that item does not float.

Data Elements

Entries in the Float Determiner table contain the following data elements:

Element Description
Item Location The item locations (from the LOCATION fixed-length field in the item record) to which the entry applies. Possible values are a location from the Branches table, a wildcard code ????? to represent all locations, or a partial location code followed by an asterisk (for example, sci* to represent any location value that starts with "sci").
Terminal Location The location code of the transaction location where the item is checked in. This code must match a location in the Locations Served table. Possible values are a location from the Branches table, a wildcard code ????? to represent all locations, or a partial location code followed by an asterisk.
Item Type The item types (from the I TYPE fixed-length field in the item record) to which the entry applies. Possible values are a single value from the Item Types table, a wildcard code to represent all item types (999 in Sierra 3.4 and earlier or 9999 in Sierra 4.0 and later), or a comma-separated list or range of item types (for example, 6-9,14,17,24-31).
Shared Indicates whether items whose parameters match the other elements of the entry should float. If set to y, the items float at checkin; if set to n, the items do not float.