Updating Web Options

You can update your Web options by using the Web Options function. The Web options are listed in groups, some of which appear only if that group's functionality is used by your organization.

To update Web Options, you must be assigned permission 32 (System codes). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

To access the Web Options function, choose Web Options from the Function list. If the Web options file you want to work on is not already added, add it to your Select a File list. The display shows a list of the available Web options groups.

Function Description
Select a File Use this drop-down list to choose the WWWOPTIONS file you want to work with (e.g., the staging WWWOPTIONS file, the live WWWOPTIONS file).
Open Choose to open the selected WWWOPTIONS file to edit.
List Alphabetically/List by Group Click to toggle between a view of a list of Web option groups and an alphabetical list of all available Web options.

You can use this interface to perform the following tasks:

Adding or Removing a Web Options File

To edit a Web options file, you must add the file to your Select a File list in Sierra or the Admin App.

To add or remove a Web options file to your Select a File list through Sierra, choose Admin | Settings. Select the Web Options tab.

To add or remove a Web options file in the Admin App, see Administering Web Option Settings.


This functionality controls the display of Web options files for the login associated with the user. These settings do not carry over to different logins used to access the Web Options function.

Adding a Web Options File in the Desktop

To add a Web options file in the Desktop Application, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Settings | Web Options tab, select a filename from the drop-down list under Add a File. The drop-down list is a list of available files in your screens/ or staging/screens directories.

    See Editing Customizable Files Using Non-Innovative Programs and Editing Customizable Files Using Innovative Programs for information on how to create files for your screens/ or screens/staging directories.

    See Transferring Customizable Files Using FTP and Transferring Customizable Files Using FTS for information on how to populate your screens/ or screens/staging directories.
  2. Enter a label for the file to be displayed in your Select A File list (e.g., "Staging" or "Bob's Test").
  3. Enter the port(s) for the WebPAC(s) currently using the selected file. By default, the staging file is assigned port 2082,444 and the live file is assigned port 80,443.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Click Save Settings and then click OK

Editing or Removing an Existing Web Options File in the Desktop

To edit or remove an existing Web options file in the Desktop Application, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Settings | Web Options tab, select an existing file under File Settings.
    • Change the display label, as needed.
    • Update the port for the WebPAC using this Web options file, if the port has been changed.
      Port Settings

      Changing or setting the port(s) does not change the WebPAC behavior. Changing or setting the port(s) dictates which ports are restarted after you click Restart while the selected Web options file is open.

    • Click Remove to remove the specified Web options file, as needed.
  2. Click Save Settings and OK

Using the Sample Web Options File

Innovative provides a sample Web Options (WWWOPTIONS) file on CSDirect. Many WebPAC administrators have found that it is simpler to upload the latest Web Options file, rather than integrating all of the new Web options into their existing Web Options files. To upload the latest Web Options file, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the latest WebPAC Example Set from CSDirect.
  2. Extract the sample wwwoptions file from the example set.
  3. Using your browser, append /screens/wwwoptions to your WebPAC URL. For example:

  4. From the resulting display, use your browser's View menu to view the page source.
  5. Using the browser's Edit menu, use the Save As function to save the file to your workstation as wwwoptions-safe.txt
  6. On your workstation, rename the sample wwwoptions file as wwwoptions.txt.
  7. Using a plain-text editor (such as Notepad), edit the wwwoptions.txt, changing the STAFF Web option to match the value of the STAFF Web option in your live wwwoptions file. Save and close the file.

    Note that all copies of the wwwoptions file containing a STAFF Web option must have identical values for the STAFF Web option.
  8. You now can use the Web Master Upload files from PC function to upload the file to your staging screens directory.
  9. Once you have uploaded the file, highlight it and click on the Copy button. In the resulting dialog box, strip the .txt file extension and save. The system prompts you with a warning that you are overwriting an existing file: click OK to continue.
  10. Restart WebPAC once the file is in place.
  11. Once you are certain the file is correctly in place, use the Web Master function to delete the copy named wwwoptions.txt.

You can use the Web Options function to edit the balance of your Web Options, as needed.

Editing Web Options

To edit Web options in the Web Options interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Web Options function.
  2. Select a Web options file to edit and choose Open.
  3. Click List by Group and choose a Web options group to view the options listed.


    Click List Alphabetically to view an alphabetical list of all Web options.
  4. From either view, select the Web option you want to edit and make the necessary changes. For more information on Web options groups and individual Web options, see Web Options.
  5. When you are finished making your changes, click Save.
  6. After saving your changes to your Web options, click Restart to restart the WebPAC session associated with the open Web options file.

Adding Web Options

To add Web options in the Web Options interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Web Options function.
  2. Select a Web options file to edit and choose Open.
  3. Click List by Group and choose a Web options group to view the options listed.
  4. Click Add and then add the option name with any appropriate variations for scope, language, or patron type, and add the option setting.
  5. When you are finished making your changes, click Save.
  6. After saving your changes to your Web options, click Restart to restart the WebPAC session associated with the open Web options file.

Copying Web Options

You can create a copy of a Web option for the purposes of adding scope, patron type, or language suffixes. To copy Web options in the Web Options interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Web Options function.
  2. Select a Web options file to edit and choose Open.
  3. Click List Alphabetically to view an alphabetical list of all Web options.
  4. Choose a Web option.
  5. Click Add, then modify the option name with the appropriate variations for scope, language, or patron type. Make any necessary changes to the option setting.
  6. When you are finished making your changes, click Save.
  7. After saving your changes to your Web options, click Restart to restart the WebPAC session associated with the open Web options file.

Deleting Web Options

To delete a Web option in the Web Options interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Web Options function.
  2. Select a Web options file to edit and choose Open.
  3. Click List by Group and choose a Web options group to view the options listed.


    Click List Alphabetically to view an alphabetical list of all Web options.
  4. Choose a Web option.
  5. Check the box in the Delete column for the Web Option you want to delete.
  6. Click Save and click Yes at the prompt.
  7. After saving your changes to your Web options, click Restart to restart the WebPAC session associated with the open Web options file.

Activating/Deactivating Web Options

If you want to deactivate a Web option, but retain the option for archival purposes, you can deactivate it. Alternately, you can activate an inactive Web option in Sierra. To activate or deactivate a Web options in the Web Options interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Web Options function.
  2. Select a Web options file to edit and choose Open.
  3. Click List by Group and choose a Web options group to view the options listed.


    Click List Alphabetically to view an alphabetical list of all Web options.
  4. Choose a Web option.
  5. Check the box in the Inactive column to render an option inactive. Uncheck the box in the Inactive column to render an option active.
  6. Click Save.
  7. After saving your changes to your Web options, click Restart to restart the WebPAC session associated with the open Web options file.
See also:
Alphabetical List of Web Options