Web Options

The Web options (also called WebPAC options or Web OPAC options) are a variety of settings that control the look and functionality of your WebPAC. Web options reside in the WWWOPTIONS file. Most systems have a WWWOPTIONS file in both their /live and /staging directories to control the live and staging WebPACs, respectively.


Whenever you make changes to your Web options, you must restart the WebPAC (webpac) process in order to cause your changes to take effect. For more information, see Updating Web Options.

Setting Web Options in Sierra

In Sierra, you can use the Web Options function to update the WWWOPTIONS file.

Varying Web Options by Scope, Patron Type, and Language

Where specified in Web option descriptions, you can vary settings by scope, patron type (P TYPE), and language.

Varying Web Options by Scope

For Web options that can vary by scope, append <scope number> to the option name. For example:

TABLEPARAM_BIB1=<alternate setting>
TABLEPARAM_BIB2=<alternate setting>

Varying Web Options by Patron Type (P TYPE)

For Web options that can vary by patron type, append _P<patron type> to the option name. For example:

SUPPRESS_OPTION_P1=<alternate setting>
SUPPRESS_OPTION_P2=<alternate setting>

Varying Web Options by Language

For Web options that can vary by language type, append _<three-letter language code> to the option name. The three-character language code must be in lowercase. For example:

STARTOVER_spi=<Spanish setting>
STARTOVER_frc=<French setting>

If an option for the current language does not appear in the WWWOPTIONS file, WebPAC uses the default Web option setting (i.e., the setting without a language extension).


When using diacritics in foreign language text settings, you must use curly-braced diacritics (for example, G{u00F6}r samma s{u00F6}kning i Malm{u00F6} h{u00F6}gskolas katalog).

Web Options Groups

The discussion of the Web options is divided into the following sections: