Patron Material Ratings Options

This page describes the Web options for the Patron Material Ratings options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


This option defines the display properties of the "My Ratings" link in the patron record display. The value of this option is expressed in HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_PATRATE=<img src="/screens/patrate.gif" />

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by scopeand language.


This option defines the display properties of each rating marker shown for a group (aggregate) rating of a record. The value of this option is expressed in HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. This option also accepts two tokens for placing certain values in the option. These tokens are:

Token Description
%d The WebPAC replaces this token with the average rating for the material, calculated by using all the ratings on that material record, if any.
%n The WebPAC replaces this token with the total number of ratings for the material, if any.

For example:

ICON_RATE_GROUP=<img src="/screens/rate_group.gif" border="0" width="15" height="14" title="Rated %d stars out of 5 based on %n ratings" />

If this option is not defined, The WebPAC uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties of each rating marker used for the patron's rating of a record. The value of this option is expressed in HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_RATE_MY=<img src="/screens/rate_my.gif" border="0" width="15" height="14" title="My Ratings" />

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties of the rating marker used to indicate that the patron can rate the material. This rating indicator appears when the patron mouses over the rating display while logged in to My Account. The value of this option is expressed in HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_RATE_NEED=<img src="/screens/rate_need.gif" border="0" width="15" height="14" title="Rate this material!" />

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties of an image or text to be used for an unrated record. The value of this option is expressed in HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_RATE_NO=<img src="/screens/rate_no.gif" border="0" width="75" height="14" title="No one has rated this material" />


The value of this option fills the condition that there are no ratings for the material. Therefore, if you use a graphic as the value for this option, you should use a graphic that will fill the entire ratings tool display (e.g., a single graphic containing five stars).

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties of the rating markers used to "pad" ratings for records that have less than five rating increments. The value of this option is expressed in HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. This option also accepts two tokens for placing certain values in the option. These tokens are:

Token Description
%d The WebPAC replaces this token with the average rating for the material, calculated by using all the ratings on that material record. If no patron has rated the record, the value is zero.
%n The WebPAC replaces this token with the total number of ratings for the material, if any.

For example:

ICON_RATE_PAD=<img src="/screens/rate_pad.gif" border="0" width="15" height="14" title="Rated %d stars out of 5 based on %n ratings" />

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses the following default setting:


This option can vary by scope and language.


If this option is set to a "true" value ('1', the characters 'T', 't', 'Y', or 'y', or any word beginning with one of these characters) the WebPAC offers Patron Material Ratings.

If this option is set to a "false" value ('0', the characters 'F', 'f', 'N', or 'n', or any word beginning with one of these characters) or this option is not defined, the WebPAC does not offer Patron Material Ratings.