Web Works Selection Lists Options

This page describes the Web options for the Web Works Selection Lists (WWSL) options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


This option specifies an image, text, or HTML file to display on the bottom line of WWSL screens.

For example:

BOTLOGO=<CENTER><img src="/screens/iiicwrlog.gif"><ALT IMG="Software from Innovative Interfaces, Inc."></CENTER>

An external HTML file is specified as the source of the bottom line by preceding the filename with the '@' character as shown in the example below:



This option specifies the path or URL to a cascading style sheet used for the WWSL product. If a path is specified, it is relative to the HTTP working directory.

Examples are:



This option specifies image, text, or HTML file to display on the top line of WWSL screens.

For example:

TOPLOGO=<CENTER><img src="/screens/inno-bar.gif"><ALT IMG="INNOVATIVE, Your library catalog"></CENTER>

An external HTML file can be specified as the source of the top line by preceding the filename with the '@' character as shown in the example below:



This option defines the link in WWSL that returns the user to the full list of titles on the Titles Display. This link displays on both the Titles and Selected Record Displays. The value of this option is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. Text example:


Image link example:

ICON_ACQ_ANOTHER_SRCH=<img src="/screens/wwsl_another.gif" alt="Another Search" border="0" />

If this option does not exist or is commented out in the Web options file, a system-generated text link displays.


This option defines the link in WWSL that returns the user to the Review File List page. This link displays on every screen in WWSL. The value of this option is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. Text example:


Image link example:

ICON_ACQ_ANOTHER_SRCH=<img src="/screens/wwsl_home.gif" alt="Home" border="0" />

If this option does not exist or is commented out in the Web options file, a system-generated text link displays.


This option defines the link on the Selected Record Display in WWSL that takes the user to the next record in the review file. The value of this option is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. Text example:


Image link example:

ICON_ACQ_NEXT_REC=<img src="/screens/wwsl_nextrec.gif" alt="Next Record" border="0" />

If this option does not exist or is commented out in the Web options file, a system-generated text link displays.


This option defines the link on the Selected Record Display in WWSL that takes the user to the previous record in the review file. The value of this option is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. Text example:

ICON_ACQ_PREV_REC=Previous Record

Image link example:

ICON_ACQ_PREV_REC=<img src="/screens/wwsl_prevrec.gif" alt="Previous Record" border="0" />

If this option does not exist or is commented out in the Web options file, a system-generated text link displays.


This option defines the link on the Selected Record Display in WWSL that displays the other resources window (e.g., WebBridge). The value of this option is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. Text example:

ICON_ACQ_RESC_LINK=Other Resources

Image link example:

ICON_ACQ_ANOTHER_SRCH=<img src="/screens/wwsl_otherresources.gif" alt="Resource Link" border="0" />

If this option does not exist or is commented out in the Web options file, a system-generated text link displays.


This option defines the link in WWSL that displays the session totals window. This link displays on every screen in WWSL. The value of this option is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. Text example:


Image link example:

ICON_ACQ_SESSION_TOTAL=<img src="/screens/wwsl_sessiontotal.gif" alt="Session Total" border="0" />

If this option does not exist or is commented out in the Web options file, a system-generated text link displays.


This option defines the display properties of the "Logout" link on both Web Works Quick Edit and Web Works Selection Lists pages. See the Web Works Quick Edit Options group for further information.


This option defines the stylesheet to use for both Web Works Quick Edit and Web Works Selection Lists login pages. See Web Works Quick Edit Options group for further information.