Partner Options

This page describes the Web options for the Partner options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


This option defines the graphic image to use for the Return to Home button. For example:



This option defines the display properties for the Return to Home link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_RETHOME=<img src="/screens/rethome.gif" alt="Home" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses value of the BUT_RETHOME option. If neither option is defined, the system uses the following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


Innovative Partners and Encore

The PARTNERS Web option is designed to work between WebPac servers in a partnership. This option does not support accessing Encore servers.

This option controls the Partners feature in the WebPAC. Each Innovative server participating in the partnership must be listed in the value, separated by an ampersand ('&'). The first part of the value is the IP domain name of your Innovative server. For each additional machine in the partnership, the Display name of the remote Innovative server (i.e., the name that displays on the WebPAC screen) and its IP Address are specified in the format shown in the example below, using an ampersand ('@') to separate the Display name from the IP address:


For example: Central@

An example of multiple partners:

To use a graphic file, rather than text, for the remote machine's Display name, the [remote_display_name] element can define a URL pointing to the graphic file. For example:<IMG BORDER="0" SRC="" ALT="State Central">@

If the local Innovative server and one or more of the remote partnered Innovative servers use different tags for particular indexes, you can include a map of local tags and their equivalents at each partnered site immediately after the IP addresses. The syntax for these maps is:


where LOCALTAG is the tag used for a given index on the local machine and REMOTETAG is the tag used for the same index on the remote machine. If you use tag mapping, you must include all index tags in the list, even those that are the same on the two Innovative servers.

For example, if there are two machines in the partnership and the local Innovative server uses tag 's' for Serials while the remote Innovative server uses tag 'j', but all other tags are the same, the PARTNER line could resemble:;t=t;d=d;w=w;c=c;o=o;s=j)

You can apply this syntax to multiple partners in any combination needed. For example:;t=t;d=d;w=w;c=c;o=o;s=j)&Partner2@;t=t;d=d;w=w;c=c;o=o;s=j;y=t)

This option can vary by language.

See also the INNREACH option, which controls options for INN-Reach libraries.


If the local and central machines both support the Advanced Word Search feature, the tags for these indexes (i.e., 'X', 'Y', and 'Z') must be included in this mapping list to initiate an Advanced Word Search on the central machine. This mapping must be used, even if the tags on the two machines are the same. If you want the user's search limits passed through to the partner machine, append an asterisk to the Advanced Word Search tags. For example, "X=X*" passes searches and all user-applied limits in the 'X' index to the central machine, which performs a search of the Advanced Word Search 'X' index.