INN-Reach Options

This page describes the Web options for the INN-Reach options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform. Unless otherwise noted, these options should be set on the INN-Reach Central Server by the Central System Administrator.

Information on the INN-Reach Product

For information on the INN-Reach product, see INN-Reach Circulation. For information on using the WebPAC to place INN-Reach requests, see Requesting INN-Reach Items.


This option defines the graphic image to use for the See Holdings button. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use for the Request button. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use for the Scope button. For example:



This option defines the graphic image to use for the Unscope button. For example:



When a WebPAC user searches at an INN-Reach site and displays a single bibliographic record, the Web Server displays a list of the libraries in the INN-Reach System that have the item in their holdings. It also displays a caption above this list. The CONSORTIUM_HOLDINGS option selects which of two captions to display.

When set to a "FALSE" value ('0', the characters 'F', 'f', 'N', or 'n', or any word beginning with one of these characters), or when this option is not defined, the caption is one of the following, depending on how many libraries have the item:

1 [NAME] library has this item


# [NAME] libraries have this item

where [NAME] is the consortium name and # is the number of libraries holding the item.

When set to a "TRUE" value ('1', the characters 'T', 't', 'Y', or 'y', or any word beginning with one of these characters), the caption is:

Display holdings of [NAME] Libraries

See also the REFHOLDTEXT option, which specifies the caption for reference database holdings displays.


If the INN-Reach Shared Print Management feature is enabled for an INN-Reach System, this option controls whether institutional ACTION NOTE fields display in the INN-Reach Catalog.

Institutional ACTION NOTE fields are defined as MARC 583 fields that are stored locally in bibliographic records and centrally in institution records. For more information, see Action Note Display.

The value of this option is:


Value Description
[label] The label that the system prepends to the MARC 583 data.
[subfields] A list of subfield tags from the MARC 583 field, without spaces or punctuation.

If this list includes subfield u, the system displays that value as a hyperlink. The text of that hyperlink is one of the following:

Subfield z Present in 583?Hyperlink Text
Yessubfield z
Nosubfield u

For example:




This option defines the See Holdings link. Clicking this link shows holdings in the record display. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_IR_HOLDINGS=<strong>See Holdings</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_IR_HOLDINGS=<img src="/screens/ir_holdings.gif" alt="Holdings" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_IR_HOLDINGS Web option. If neither option is set, the system uses the following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the Request link for INN-Reach items. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_IR_REQUEST=<img src="/screens/ir_request.gif" alt="Request" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_IR_REQUEST Web option. If neither option is set, the system uses the following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the Scope link for INN-Reach. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_SCOPE=<img src="/screens/scope.gif" alt="Scope" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_SCOPE Web option. If neither option is set, the system uses the following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the Unscope link for INN-Reach. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_UNSCOPE=<img src="/screens/unscope.gif" alt="Unscope" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_UNSCOPE Web option. If neither option is set, the system uses the following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the Search Encore link to forward search terms to the Encore catalog specified by the INNREACH_ENCORE Web option. If this option and the INNREACH_ENCORE option are enabled, the WebPAC ignores the setting of the INNREACH Web option. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_INNREACH_ENCORE=<strong>Search Encore</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_INNREACH_ENCORE=<IMG SRC="/screens/searchencore.gif" CLASS="button" BORDER="0" ALT="search Encore for this title" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default:

ICON_INNREACH_ENCORE=Search Encore for this title

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the Your entry would be here link the WebPAC displays in a no-hits search results screen on the INN-Reach Central catalog. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_IR_NOHIT=<strong>Your entry would be here</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_IR_NOHIT=<img src="/screens/irnohit.gif" alt="No hits" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the user prompt specified in the INNREACH Web option.

This option can vary by scope and language.

INNREACH[scope][_lang] (Local Servers only)

This option controls the INN-Reach transfer search method (also known as "pass-through searching"). The syntax of this option is:

INNREACH=[User Prompt]@[Central URL]

where [User Prompt] specifies the prompt presented to users to search the INN-Reach Catalog and [Central URL] represents the URL of the INN-Reach Central Server. For example:

INNREACH=<img src="/screens/ohiolink.gif" alt="OhioLINK Central" border="0">

If the Local Server and the INN-Reach Central Server use different tags for particular indexes, you can include a map of local index tags and their equivalents at the INN-Reach Central Server immediately after the [Central URL] element. The syntax for these maps is:


where [LOCALTAG] is the tag used for a given index on the Local Server and [CENTRALTAG] is the tag used for the same index on the INN-Reach Central Server. Note that if you use index mapping, you must include ALL indexes to be used, even those that are identical on the two machines. If an index is not listed, it cannot be used to search the INN-Reach Catalog.

For example, if the Local Server uses tag 's' for Serials while the INN-Reach Central Server uses tag 'j', but all other tags are the same, the INNREACH line would resemble the following:

INNREACH=<img src="/screens/ohiolink.gif" alt="OhioLINK Central" border="0">;t=t;d=d;w=w;c=c;o=o;s=j)

(See also the PARTNER option, which controls the Partners function.)

You can use the following tags to map keyword searches. Note that the 'X', 'Y', and 'Z' indexes are part of the Advanced Word Search feature.

The local keyword index can be mapped to any available keyword index on the INN-Reach Central Server (for example, X=X or X=Y). For example:

INNREACH=<img src="/screens/ohiolink.gif" alt="OhioLINK Central" border="0">;u=t;X=X;Y=Y;Z=Y)

When a local Advanced Word Search index is mapped to an INN-Reach Central Server Advanced Word Search index, the following search limits are preserved:

If an asterisk character is appended to the central index tag, for example, X=X*, these limits are not used in the central search.

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the URL of an Encore search. If this option and the ICON_INNREACH_ENCORE option are enabled, WebPAC ignores the setting for the INNREACH Web option. The value is:


Where [Encore Server] is the URL of an Encore search.  This value accepts a %s variable. The system replaces this variable with the search term to forward to Encore.

For example:


This option does not have a default value.

INNREACH_REMOTE[scope][_lang] (Local Servers only)

If your library is an INN-Reach site and uses Single Sign-On (SSO), this option controls how the WebPAC offers INN-Reach pass-through searches.

The option setting is similar to the INNREACH Web option:

INNREACH_REMOTE=[user prompt]@[SSO server]

Where [user prompt] specifies the prompt presented to users to search the INN-Reach Catalog and [SSO server] is the server used for Single Sign-On.

For example:

INNREACH_REMOTE=<img src="/screens/accesslaw.gif" border="0">;t=t;g=g;a=a;d=d;i=i)

This option accepts additional index tags identically to the INNREACH Web option.

This option can vary by scope and language.

INNREACH_REMOTE_SSL[scope][_lang] (Local Servers only)

If your library is an INN-Reach site and uses Single Sign-On (SSO), this option controls how the WebPAC offers INN-Reach pass-through searches using SSL.

The option setting is similar to the INNREACH_REMOTE Web option:

INNREACH_REMOTE_SSL=[user prompt]@[SSO server]

Where [user prompt] specifies the prompt presented to users to search the INN-Reach Catalog and [SSO server] is the server used for SSL Single Sign-On.

For example:

INNREACH_REMOTE_SSL=<img src="/screens/accesslaw.gif" border="0">;t=t;g=g;a=a;d=d;i=i)

This option accepts additional index tags identically to the INNREACH Web option.

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option lets you replace the phrase ,"With which institution are you affiliated?", with a customized phrase. This option accepts HTML formatting, and is set as follows:


If this option is not set, the default text is "With which institution are you affiliated?"


This option specifies request parameters for INN-Reach Systems that have acquired the Pickup Anywhere for INN-Reach product. It consists of two vertical-bar-delimited fields and is set as follows:


[boolean] A true value (i.e., "TRUE", true, '1', 'T', 't', 'Y', or 'y') in this element causes the system to include Pickup Anywhere locations in the list of pickup locations it offers to requesting INN-Reach patrons. When this element is set to a false value (i.e., "FALSE", "false", '0', 'F', 'f', 'N', or 'n'), the system offers only the pickup locations defined in the INN-Reach Circulation Pickup Locations table on the requesting patron's Local Server.
[label] Specifies the label for the drop-down list of Pickup Anywhere sites in the Request Verification Form. If no value is specified, the system labels the list "Pickup Institution."

For example:

IR_CENT_DISTLEARN=t|Pickup Institution


This option defines which checkin data subfields to display in the institutional holdings display, and defines the basic column formatting of that display. Set the option with vertical-bar-delimited fields equal to the number of vertical-bar-delimited fields used in the IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS option, less the first column. For example:


Valid [data] values, in any order, are:

Value Description Example
Subfield tags A list of valid subfields from the 947 field of the institution record. Note:
  • The only invalid subfields are s ("suppression") and g ("last received"). If this subfield is included in a list of subfields, the system ignores it. If it is included by itself in a field, the system treats it as though it were a ^ (caret symbol).
  • Subfields cannot be combined with the ^ (caret symbol). If they are, the system ignores the caret.
Special codes Codes that enable special handling of subfields from the 947 field in the institution record. These codes should not be combined with other data options in the same column (for example, subfield tags or a caret symbol). If any other data options are present in the same column, the system acts on the special code only and ignores any additional options that might be present in that column.

Valid special codes include the following:

CodeNameSpecial Behavior
CLocationDisplays subfield c of the 949 field.
ECall NumberDisplays a concatenated value in the following format:
 1    2      3
<call #> <volume> c. <copy #>
1.<call #>Contents of subfield e of the 949 field.
2.<volume>Contents of subfield v of the 949 field.
3.<copy #>Contents of subfield w of the 949 field.
FStatusDisplays the contents of subfield f of the 949 field.
UURLDisplays the subfield u value as a hyperlink. The text of that hyperlink is one of the following:
Subfield z Present in 949?Hyperlink Text
Yessubfield z
Nosubfield u
Blank No data in the field, denoting that this cell in the column is not used for displaying any new data. Instead, this cell is merged with the one before it, creating a cell twice as large for displaying the data in the cell before it. This is the same as the <TD COLSPAN=2> attribute in HTML. ||
^ (caret symbol) Denotes that this cell in the column is not used for displaying any new data. The cell is not be merged with any other cells and it displays as empty. ^
"label Instead of inserting data from a subfield, the text label defined after the double-quote mark (") displays in the cell in the column. "Please see librarian for current issue

For example:


If this option is not defined or does not appear in the WWWOPTIONS file, the system uses a default setting of:



The number of fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_CHECKIN must equal the number of fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS less one. If there are too many fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_CHECKIN, WebPAC does not display the excess fields. If there are too few fields, WebPAC treats the cell as if it were set with a caret symbol ('^').


This option defines the following attributes of the holdings table in the institutional holdings display:

First Column Specifies Owning Site

The first column of the holdings table always displays the name of the INN-Reach site that owns the displayed holdings. Any columns defined in this Web option display after that first column.

Set the option as follows:

IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS=[header text];[column %]|[header text];[column %]

[header text] The text displaying in the header of the column. This text should correspond to the associated field defined in the following options:


[column %] The percentage of the total table width devoted to the column. All columns in the table must collectively total 100%.
Special Value for ACTION NOTE Fields

If the INN-Reach Shared Print Management feature is enabled on the INN-Reach Central Server, the [column %] element can contain a special value of "-1". This special value causes the ACTION NOTE (MARC 583) field in the institution record to display as a separate row below the item record with which it is associated.

The "ACTION NOTE" elements must be the final elements of the Web option. For example:

IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS=Library;10|Shelving Location;20|Electronic Link;20|Call Number and Serial Holdings;30|Request Status;20|ACTION NOTE;-1

Your Central System Administrator can customize the display attributes of the "ACTION NOTE" row via a style sheet (specifically, by using the Bibliographic Display Classes, bibItemFieldLabel and bibItemFieldRow).

For example:

IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS=Library;10|Shelving Location;20|Electronic Link;20|Call Number and Serial Holdings;30|Request Status;20

If this option is not defined in the WWWOPTIONS file, the system uses a default of:

IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS=Location;20|Call Number;40|Status;40

This option can vary by language.


This option defines basic column formatting for the institution record-level URL in the institutional holdings display. Set the option with vertical-bar-delimited fields equal to the number of vertical-bar-delimited fields used in the IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS Web option, less the first column. For example:


Valid [data] values, in any order, are:

Option Description Example
URL A special code, U, which specifies that URL data stored in the institution record should display in this column.

By default, the system obtains this URL data from a MARC 856 field in the institution record. If your INN-Reach System has acquired the INN-Reach URLs for Locally Held Resources product, the URL data can be obtained from an alternate field (for example, a MARC 956 field).

The system uses data from subfield u of the URL field to construct a hyperlink in this column. The text of the hyperlink is determined as follows:

Subfield z Present in URL field?

Hyperlink Text


Yessubfield zPart of the Ovid Mental Health Collection (MHC). Follow instructions on MedMenu page for Ovid login.
Nosubfield u
Blank No data in the field denotes that this cell in the column is not used for displaying any new data. Instead, this cell is merged with the one before it, creating a cell twice as large for displaying the data in the cell before it. This is the same as the <TD COLSPAN=2> attribute in HTML. ||
^ (caret symbol) The caret symbol denotes that this cell in the column is not used for displaying any new data. The cell is not merged with any other cells and displays as empty. ^
"label The text defined after the double-quote mark (") displays in the cell in the column. If the cell contains a hyperlink, this value acts as the display text for the hyperlink. This text overrides the DISPLAY_856 value, if it is set. "Please see librarian for current issue

For example:


IR_CENT_HOLD_INST is optional. If this option is not defined or does not appear in the WWWOPTIONS file, the system uses a default setting of:



The number of fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_INST must equal the number of fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS less one. If there are too many fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_INST, WebPAC does not display the excess fields. If there are too few fields, WebPAC treats the cell as if it were set with a caret symbol ('^').


This option defines basic column formatting for the institution record-level variable length fields. Set the option with vertical-bar-delimited fields equal to the number of vertical-bar-delimited fields used in the IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS Web option, less the first column. For example:

IR_CENT_HOLD_INST_VARFLD=[institution MARC fields]|[data]|[data]|...

The [institution MARC fields] field defines which institution record MARC fields contain the serials holding statements and in which institution record MARC fields to look for the subfields defined in the subsequent fields of this option.

Valid data options, in any order, for the remaining fields are:

Option Description Example
Subfield tags A list of valid subfield tags from the MARC fields defined in [institution MARC fields].
Subfields cannot be combined with the ^ (caret symbol). If they are, the caret will be ignored.
evw or f
Blank No data in the field, denoting that this cell in the column will not be used for displaying any new data. Instead, this cell will be merged with the one before it, creating a cell twice as large for displaying the data in the cell before it. This is the same as the <TD COLSPAN=2> attribute in HTML. ||
^ (caret symbol) Denotes that this cell in the column will not be used for displaying any new data. The cell will not be merged with any other cells and will display as empty. ^
"label Instead of inserting data from a subfield, the text label defined after the double-quote mark (") will display in the cell in the column. "Please see librarian for current issue

For example:



The number of fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_INST_VARFLD must equal the number of fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS less one. If there are too many fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_INST_VARFLD, WebPAC does not display the excess fields. If there are too few fields, WebPAC treats the cell as if it were set with a caret symbol ('^').


This option defines which item data subfields to display and the basic column formatting of that display in the institutional holdings dispaly. Set the option with vertical-bar-delimited elements equal to the number of vertical-bar-delimited elements used in the IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS option, less the first column. For example:


Valid [data] values are listed below. Unless otherwise stated, these values can be used in any order.

Value Description Example
Subfield tags A list of valid subfields from the 949 field of the institution record. Note:
  • The only invalid subfield is s ("suppression"). If this subfield is included in a list of subfields, the system ignores it. If it is included by itself in a field, the system treats it as though it were a ^ (caret symbol).
  • Subfields cannot be combined with the ^ (caret symbol). If they are, the system ignores the caret.
Special codes Codes that enable special handling of subfields from the 949 field in the institution record. These codes should not be combined with other data options in the same column (for example, subfield tags or a caret symbol). If any other data options are present in the same column, the system acts on the special code only and ignores any additional options that might be present in that column.

Valid special codes include the following:

CodeNameSpecial Behavior
CLocationDisplays subfield c of the 949 field.
ECall NumberDisplays a concatenated value in the following format:
 1    2      3
<call #> <volume> c. <copy #>
1.<call #>Contents of subfield e of the 949 field.
2.<volume>Contents of subfield v of the 949 field.
3.<copy #>Contents of subfield w of the 949 field.
FStatusDisplays the contents of subfield f of the 949 field.
UURLDisplays the subfield u value as a hyperlink. The text of that hyperlink is one of the following:
Subfield z Present in 949?Hyperlink Text
Yessubfield z
Nosubfield u
yACTION NOTEDisplays data from the MARC 583 field associated with the specific item in the institution record. This special code requires that the INN-Reach Shared Print Management feature is enabled on the INN-Reach Central Server and participating Local Servers. For more information, see Storing Shared Print Management Information in the INN-Reach Catalog.


  • This special code can specify which subfields display from the MARC 583 field, using the following format:

    y;[subfield tags]

    For example:


    This subfield functionality is specific to the y special code, and cannot be used with any other special codes associated with this Web option.

    If the [subfield tags] element is not present, the system displays all subfields in the stored MARC 583 field.

  • If this special code is used, it must always be the final [data] element in the Web option. For example:


  • If the list of subfields includes subfield u, the system displays that subfield as a hyperlink. The display text for that hyperlink is determined as follows:
    Yessubfield zInstitute for Museum and Library Services grant
    Nosubfield u$2pda$5FU
Blank No data in the field, denoting that this cell in the column is not used for displaying any new data. Instead, that cell will be merged with the one before it, creating a cell twice as large for displaying the data in the cell before it. This is the same as the <TD COLSPAN=2> attribute in HTML. ||
^ (caret symbol) Denotes that this cell in the column is not used for displaying any new data. The cell is not merged with any other cells and displays as empty. ^
"label Instead of inserting data from a subfield, the text label defined after the double-quote mark (") displays in the cell in the column. "NON-REQUESTABLE JOURNAL

For example:

IR_CENT_HOLD_ITEM=E|"Check with Library

If this option is not defined, the system uses a default setting of:



The number of fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_ITEM must equal the number of fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS less one. If there are too many fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_ITEM, WebPAC does not display the excess fields. If there are too few fields, WebPAC treats the cell as if it were set with a caret symbol ('^').


This option defines when and how Institutional Holdings appear on the bibliographic display. The format is:


Field Description
[holdliblimit] This field determines when detailed holdings automatically appear in the bibliographic display. If the number of holding libraries is greater than the value of this field, the WebPAC does not automatically display the detailed holdings table. If this field is set to zero ('0'), then all Detailed Holdings display.
[campuslimit] This field determines whether the "campus summary" displays in the bibliographic display. If the number of holding libraries is less than the value of this field, the WebPAC does not display a campus summary in the bibliographic display. If this field is set to zero ('0'), the WebPAC displays a campus summary in the bibliographic display.

For example, if three libraries have contributed holdings:


In this example, the system shows the Campus Summary and the Detailed Holdings.


In this example, the system shows the Detailed Holdings and does not display a Campus Summary.


In this example, the system does not display the Detailed Holdings and does display a Campus Summary.


In this example, the system displays the Detailed Holdings and does not display a Campus Summary.


In this example, the system does not display the Detailed Holdings and does not display any Summary Holdings. This example is an illogical setting and is included for informational purposes only.


This option defines which order data subfields to display and the basic column formatting of that display in the institutional holdings display. Set the option with vertical-bar-delimited fields equal to the number of vertical-bar-delimited fields used in the IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS option, less the first column. For example:


Valid [data] values, in any order, are:

Value Description Example
Subfield tags A list of valid subfields from the 948 field of the institution record. Note:
  • The only invalid subfield is s ("suppression"). If this subfield is included in a list of subfields, the system ignores it. If it is included by itself in a field, the system treats it as though it were a ^ (caret symbol).
  • Subfields cannot be combined with the ^ (caret symbol). If they are, the system ignores the caret.
Special codes Codes that enable special handling of subfields from the 948 field in the institution record. These codes include the following:
CodeNameSpecial Behavior
CLocationDisplays subfield c of the 948 field.
ECall NumberDisplays a concatenated value in the following format:
 1    2      3
								<call #> <volume> c. <copy #>
1.<call #>Contents of subfield e of the 948 field.
2.<volume>Contents of subfield v of the 948 field.
3.<copy #>Contents of subfield w of the 948 field.
FStatusDisplays the contents of subfield f of the 948 field.
UURLDisplays the subfield u value as a hyperlink. The text of that hyperlink is one of the following:
Subfield z Present in 948?   Hyperlink Text
Yessubfield z
Nosubfield u
Blank No data in the field, denoting that this cell in the column is not used for displaying any new data. Instead, this cell is merged with the one before it, creating a cell twice as large for displaying the data in the cell before it. This is the same as the <TD COLSPAN=2> attribute in HTML. ||
^ (caret symbol) Denotes that this cell in the column is not used for displaying any new data. The cell is not merged with any other cells and displays as empty. ^
"label Instead of inserting data from a subfield, the text label defined after the double-quote mark (") displays in the cell in the column. "Please see librarian for current issue

For example:


If this option is not defined, the system uses a default setting of:



The number of fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_ORDER must equal the number of fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS less one. If there are too many fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_ORDER, WebPAC does not display the excess fields. If there are too few fields, WebPAC treats the cell as if it were set with a caret symbol ('^').


This option controls the display parameters of the holdings table. The format is:


Where [attributes] are the HTML attributes for the holdings table display. The data entered in this option is inserted between the appropriate <TABLE> and </TABLE> tags. The attributes in this field must be valid <TABLE> attributes.

For example:


Note that the opening < and closing > brackets are not provided for the attributes in the example above. WebPAC assigns the element contents to a <TABLE> tag.

Using the example above, WebPAC creates a <TABLE BGCOLOR=#ddeeff CELLPADDING=3 CELLSPACING=2 WIDTH=100% BORDER=1> tag.


This option controls the display parameters of the "sites with holdings" table. The format is:


[boolean] A "true" value (i.e., "TRUE", "true", '1', 'T', 't', 'Y', or 'y') in this element causes the "sites with holdings" table to display. When set to a "false" value (i.e., "FALSE", "false", '0', 'F', 'f', 'N', or 'n') the "sites with holdings" table will never display above the holdings table, even if the table parameters are defined in the second field of this option.
If this element is left blank, WebPAC assumes a default value of "false".
[tableparams] This element contains HTML attributes controlling the display parameters of the "sites with holdings" table. The data entered in this option is inserted between the appropriate <TABLE> and </TABLE> tags. The attributes in this field must be valid <TABLE> attributes.

For example:


Note that the opening < and closing > brackets are not provided for the [tableparams] element in the example above. WebPAC assigns the element contents to a <TABLE> tag.

Using the example above, WebPAC creates a <BGCOLOR=#ddeeff CELLPADDING=3 CELLSPACING=2 WIDTH=100% BORDER=1> tag.


This option allows the location name for items and checkin records in the holdings to display as hyperlinks that take users to a screen providing information about that location. The [code] parameter is the (maximum) five-character Innovative code for the particular location. For example:


The location code may also contain an asterisk as a wildcard to match multiple locations that include the same pattern. For example:


This example will match the locations wes, wesaa, wesar, and west.



This example will match the locations ref, wref, mref, and scref.


This option defines the holdings display if there is a 7 field in the bibliographic record for an institution or agency, but there are no associated displayable items, checkins, or orders. The option format is:


Valid data options, in any order, are:

Option Description Example
Blank No data in the field, denoting that this cell in the column will not be used for displaying any new data. Instead, this cell will be merged with the one before it, creating a cell twice as large for displaying the data in the cell before it. This is the same as the <TD COLSPAN=2> attribute in HTML. ||
^ (caret symbol) Denotes that this cell in the column will not be used for displaying any new data. The cell will not be merged with any other cells and it will display as empty. ^
"label Instead of inserting data from a subfield, the text label defined after the double-quote mark (") will display in the cell in the column. "No local information available

For example:

IR_CENT_NO_HOLDINGS="No local information available


The number of fields in IR_CENT_NO_HOLDINGS must equal the number of fields in IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS less one. If there are too many fields in IR_CENT_NO_HOLDINGS, WebPAC does not display the excess fields. If there are too few fields, WebPAC treats the cell as if it were set with a caret symbol ('^').


When this option is set to a "true" value (any word starting with 't', 'T', 'y', 'Y', or the number '1') on the Central server, the WebPAC allows patrons from a local site to make multiple requests without having to re-authenticate.

If this option is set to a "false" value (any word starting with 'f', 'F', 'n', 'N', or the number '0'), or is not set, the WebPAC does not allow patrons from a local site to make multiple requests without having to re-authenticate.

This option can vary by site code.


This option defines the Log Out button for logging off of the INN-Reach Central Server. This option accepts HTML values, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. For example:



IR_NOREAUTH_LOGOFF=<img src="/screens/logout.gif" alt="Logout" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default:


This option can vary by language.


This option specifies the You are logged in as message the system displays for users logged-in to the INN-Reach Central Server. This option accepts a text value with HTML markup as well as a %s placeholder for the patron name. For example:

IR_NOREAUTH_MSG=You are logged in as <em>%s</em>.

If this option is not defined, the system uses the following default:

IR_NOREAUTH_MSG=You are logged in as %s

This option can vary by language.


This option controls where the button to search the INN-Reach system displays in the in the browse display. This option accepts one of three numeric values:

Value Description
1 Displays the INN-Reach button as the last button on the right in the navigation row.
2 If the RESOURCETABLE Web option is set, the system displays the INN-Reach button as the first element in the list of related resources. If the RESOURCETABLE Web option is not set, the system does not display the INN-Reach button in the browse display unless the display is a phrase search resulting in no hits. In this case the INN-Reach button appears in the browse display along with a Your entry would be here message.
3 Displays the INN-Reach button above the pagination tool.

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC displays the INN-Reach button as the last button on the right in the navigation row.

When this option is set to "0" or "2", the full WebPAC URL is used to determine what search target to put in the Encore URL. Otherwise it uses just the search target.


This option controls the message that displays after a user selects the option to renew an INN-Reach item and the renewal request is pending. For example:

IR_RENEW_MSG=[message text]

If this option is not defined, or does not appear in the WWWOPTIONS file, the default message is:

IR_RENEW_MSG=<FONT SIZE=-1>System is checking<BR>the availability of the item for renewal.<BR>Please check back later to find out<BR>if your renewal was allowed.</FONT>


INN-Reach Central Servers

This option is valid for INN-Reach Central Servers only.

When this option is set to true, WebPAC on INN-Reach Central Servers displays 7-tagged 945 MARC fields in the MARC display of records. The value of this option is:

IRMARCDISP=[true or false]

If this option is set to false or not defined, then WebPAC MARC display on INN-Reach Central Servers will not show 7-tagged 945 MARC fields.


If your organization has acquired the INN-Reach URLs for Locally Held Resources product, this option specifies the MARC tag of the URL field in the institution record that WebPAC displays in the institutional holdings display for INN-Reach Central Servers.

The value is:


Where [marcfield] is a y-tagged MARC field. For example:


This setting uses the y-tagged 956 field to display additional URLs in the institutional holdings list.

If this option is not set, the system does not display additional URLs in the bibliographic or institution records.

URL Display Considerations
  • The LOCALLINK_TAG Web option is intended for specifying MARC tags other than the MARC 856 (the standard URL tag). If you decide to set the LOCALLINK_TAG Web option using the 856 MARC tag, contact Innovative.
  • The following Web options control the attributes of the hyperlink in the institutional holdings display: DISPLAY_856 and IR_CENT_HOLD_INST


This option defines the timeout for patron authorization for INN-Reach requesting. If the IR_NOREAUTH Web option is set to a "true" value ('1', the characters 'T', 't', 'Y', or 'y', or any word beginning with one of these characters) and a patron validates against the system and makes multiple INN-Reach requests within the timeout period defined in this option, the system does not require additional validation to submit the requests. If the user submits a request after a period of inactivity in excess of the value of this option, the system prompts the user to validate.

This option accepts a numeric value for the timeout, in seconds. For example, to set a timeout for 5 minutes (300 seconds), use the following value:


If this option is not defined, the WebPAC uses the following default: