Bibliographic Display Classes

bibBookingsHeader Defines the display parameters of the "Bookings" row in the item table on a bibliographic display.
bibDetail Defines properties for detailed bibliographic record display.
bibHoldings Defines properties for the bibliographic holdings display.
bibHoldingsEntry Defines properties for the holding record information.
bibHoldingsHeader Defines properties for the bibliographic record display containing the holding record header information.
bibHoldingsLabel Defines properties for the bibliographic record display containing the holding record caption information.
bibHolds Defines properties for the display of holds information in the bibliographic records display.
bibHoldsEntry Defines properties for the table row containing the information on the number of holds applied to the bibliographic record.
bibInfo Defines properties for the table containing all bibliographic record information.
bibInfoData Defines properties for detailed entries in the bibliographic record display.
bibInfoEntry Defines properties for information entries in the bibliographic display
bibInfoLabel Defines properties for information label entries in the bibliographic display.
bibInstInfoLabel (INN-Reach Central Server only) Defines properties for the label of the institution-specific ACTION NOTE (MARC 583) fields in the institutional holdings display. For more information, see the DISPLAY_583 Web option.
bibInstInfoRow (INN-Reach Central Server only) Defines properties for rows containing data from institution-specific ACTION NOTE (MARC 583) fields in the institutional holdings display. For more information, see the DISPLAY_583 Web option.
bibItemFieldLabel Defines properties for the label of special rows in the holdings table of the bibliographic display. A special row contains data from a single field that would normally display in column form in the holdings table. Field data displays as a row if the webpub.def file contains an entry with a [column %] value of "-1". For more information, see Record Display Definition.

(INN-Reach Central Server only) Defines properties for the label of item-specific ACTION NOTE (MARC 583) fields in the institutional holdings display. For more information, see the IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS and IR_CENT_HOLD_ITEM Web options.

bibItemFieldRow Defines properties for special rows in the holdings table of the bibliographic display. A special row contains data from a single field that would normally display in column form in the holdings table. Field data displays as a row if the webpub.def file contains an entry with a [column %] value of "-1". For more information, see Record Display Definition.

(INN-Reach Central Server only) Defines properties for rows containing data from item-specific ACTION NOTE (MARC 583) fields in the institutional holdings display. For more information, see the IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS and IR_CENT_HOLD_ITEM Web options.

bibItems Defines properties for item record display in the bibliographic display.
bibItemsEntry Defines properties for item entries in the bibliographic display.
bibItemsHeader Defines properties for item headers in the bibliographic record display.
bibItemsLabel Defines properties for item label in the bibliographic record display.
bibLicense Defines properties for the license record table.
bibLicenseEntry Defines properties for the license record table entries.
bibLicenseHeader Defines properties for the license record table header information.
bibLinks Defines properties for links in the bibliographic record.
bibOrder Defines properties for order record information in the bibliographic display.
bibOrderEntry Defines properties for the table row containing the order record information.
bibPager Defines properties for the page navigation tool in the bibliographic display.
bibResource Defines properties for resource description in the bibliographic display.
bibResourceBrief Defines properties for brief entries of resources in the bibliographic record display.
bibResourceCaption Defines properties for the table row containing the resource caption.
bibResourceEntry Defines properties for the table row containing the resource table entries.
bibResourceEntry td Defines properties for individual cells in the row containing the resource table entries.
bibResourceHeader Defines properties for the table row containing the resource table header information.
bibResourceLicense Defines properties for the license record portion of the resource table in the bibliographic display.


Defines properties for each license record field included in the license record portion of the resource table in the bibliographic display. This class does not include headers for the license record field (as defined in the first segment of the BIB_LICENSE_FIELDS_BRIEF Web option).
bibResourceSubEntry Defines properties for resource sub entries in the bibliographic display.
bibResourceTable Defines properties for the resource table in the bibliographic display.
bibResourceTableEntry Defines properties for the resource table entry in the bibliographic display
bibResourceTableHeader Defines properties for the resource table header in the bibliographic display.
bibScreen Defines properties for the master bibliographic table, including within it the bibliographic information, bibliographic holdings, and the resource table.
bibSearchtool Defines properties for the search tool in the bibliographic display.
bibThumbnails Defines properties for thumbnails.
bibTOC Defines properties for the table of contents entries in the bibliographic display.
bibXML Defines properties for XML results in the bibliographic display.
patFuncReviewFull Defines properties for the full review in the patron record display.
patFuncReviewHeadline Defines properties for the review headline in My Account display of full review.