Viewing Institutional Holdings Information

Users can view institutional holdings information by selecting the # <NAME> libraries have this item link from the full record display in the INN-Reach Catalog. For example:

Institution holdings display

This display includes the following elements:

Summary Holdings Display

The Summary Holdings Display is a list of the sites in the INN-Reach System that have holdings attached to this bibliographic record. This display contains a link for each site that has a copy of the item. Patrons can view the holdings of a specific site by clicking the site's link in the Summary Holdings Display.

The following Web options control aspects of the Summary Holdings Display:

Web Option Description
IR_CENT_HOLD_LIMITS Controls the number of holdings that display in the Summary Holdings Display.
IR_CENT_INST_TABLEPARAM Controls the display parameters of the Summary Holdings Display table.

Detailed Holdings Display

The Detailed Holdings Display lists detailed information about each holdings record attached to the bibliographic record. For example, this display can include the location, call number, and status of each attached item record.

The following Web options control aspects of the Detailed Holdings Display:

Web Option Description
IR_CENT_HOLD_CHECKIN Defines which checkin data subfields display and the basic column formatting of that display.
IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS Defines the number of columns, all column headers, and column widths in the holdings table.
IR_CENT_HOLD_INST This option defines basic column formatting for the institution record-level URL in the holdings display.
IR_CENT_HOLD_INST_VARFLD      Defines basic column formatting for the institution record-level variable length fields.
IR_CENT_HOLD_ITEM Defines which item data subfields display and the basic column formatting of that display.
IR_CENT_HOLD_LIMITS Controls the number of holdings that display in the Detailed Holdings Display.
IR_CENT_HOLD_ORDER Defines which order data subfields to display and the basic column formatting of that display.
IR_CENT_HOLD_TABLEPARAM Controls the display parameters of the holdings table.

URL Link Display

If your INN-Reach Central Server is configured to store URL fields in institution records, the Detailed Holdings Display can include links from local URL fields. Your Central System Administrator can enable or customize the display of these fields in the institutional holdings display as follows:

Action Note Display

If the INN-Reach Shared Print Management Information feature is enabled for your INN-Reach System, the Detailed Holdings Display can include ACTION NOTE (MARC 583) fields from institution records.

Depending on the system configuration, institution records in the INN-Reach Catalog can contain the following types of ACTION NOTE fields:

Type Description
Item-specific A MARC 583 field originally stored in the item record on the Local Server. When the item record is contributed to the Central Server, the system retains an association between the specific MARC 583 field and the item record.
Institution-specific A MARC 583 field originally stored in the bibliographic record on the Local Server. When the bibliographic record is contributed to the Central Server, the system retains an association between the specific MARC 583 field, the bibliographic record, and any linked item records.

Your Central System Administrator can enable or customize the display of these fields in the institutional holdings display using the following options:

Web Option Description
DISPLAY_583 Controls whether institution-specific ACTION NOTE fields display in the institutional holdings display.
IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS Specifies the label text and positioning for item-specific ACTION NOTE fields in the institutional holdings display. Requires that the IR_CENT_HOLD_ITEM option also be enabled.

This option can specify that this data displays in either of the following formats:

  • An additional column on the same row as the item record information.
  • A separate row below the row of item record information.

Central System Administrators can customize the display attributes of this separate "Action Note" row via a style sheet. Specifically, these attributes are controled by the Bibliographic Display Classes, bibItemFieldLabel and bibItemFieldRow.

IR_CENT_HOLD_ITEM Specifies which MARC 583 subfields from the item-specific ACTION NOTE fields display in the institutional holdings display. Requires that the IR_CENT_HOLD_HEADERS option also be enabled.