Storing Shared Print Management Information in the INN-Reach Catalog

If you want to enable the INN-Reach Shared Print Management feature, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

The INN-Reach Shared Print Management feature enables libraries to share information about the consolidation and preservation of print collections in the INN-Reach System. Storing this information centrally can enable participating sites to manage their print collections collectively.

Information about libraries' processing, reference, and preservation actions can be stored in MARC 583 (ACTION NOTE) fields in local bibliographic and/or item records. When these fields are contributed to the INN-Reach Catalog, INN-Reach assigns these MARC 583 fields the Innovative field group tag 'y' and stores them in the institution record.

Your Central System Administrator can enable and customize the display of these MARC 583 fields in the institutional holdings display, including specifying which subfields are included in the display. For more information, see Action Note Display.

The ACTION NOTE field is repeatable per the MARC standard. Because the first instance of the field in the record reflects the most recent action, the INN-Reach Catalog displays only the first instance of the field for each local record.