Viewing the Full Record Display

The full record display shows the information for an individual bibliographic record. Information from attached records concerning copies and volumes, course reserves, orders, and serials (current receipts and holdings), as well as links to electronic resources (for example, scanned images) also display, as appropriate. The system shows the full record display whenever the user selects a single record. For example:

An example of a full record display in the WebPAC is shown below:

The elements of this screen include:

Within these elements, the contents of any indexed field are offered as HTML links that users can select to see more information or to retrieve other records in the database. For more information, see Using Record Field Links in the Full Record Display.

Additional Elements in Central Bibliographic Record Displays

If you are viewing a full record display in the INN-Reach Catalog, the following additional elements are present between the Field Label and Summary Box elements: