Viewing Volume and Copy Information in the WebPAC

The WebPAC can display volume and copy information from attached item records in the summary box. When the WebPAC retrieves a bibliographic record with attached item records, but no attached checkin records and no links to electronic resources, the system will display volume and copy information in the summary box. For example:

If the display contains more than ten attached item records, the WebPAC offers the option to view a specified volume or copy or all of the item record links on a separate page. The system searches for the specified value in the volume field of the item records attached to the current bibliographic record. For example:


You can limit this display to only those items that are currently available by selecting the Limit to Available button. On the resulting screen, the Show All Items button returns to the above display. If the user selects the View additional copies or search for a specific volume/copy button without specifying a specific volume or copy, WebPAC returns a list of all attached item records.

Volume Records

The WebPAC displays volume information if either of the following conditions are true:

If the system finds bibliographic records with both attached volume records and item records containing volume information, the system uses the volume record to determine the volume data display.

Customizing Volume Record Display

The volume record information display is not customizable, but you can customize the location of the volume record display as follows:

Display Form to Customize
Record browse (brief citatation) Place the <!--{items}--> token on your briefcit.html form.
Bibliographic Record Place the <!--{items}--> token on your bib_display.html form

The Volume Display classes control the styles applied to volume record display.

See also:
Volume Selection form (volume_select.html)