Requesting INN-Reach Items

Requesting INN-Reach Items on Behalf of Patrons

Staff at the patron site can also request INN-Reach items on behalf of patrons via the WebPAC. For more information, see Requesting INN-Reach Items on Behalf of Patrons.

The INN-Reach Circulation of an item from one site to a patron at another site begins when the patron requests the item in the INN-Reach Catalog. Patrons can use the WebPAC on the INN-Reach Central Server to request an item in the INN-Reach Catalog, as follows:

  1. The patron chooses REQUEST THIS ITEM.
  2. The system prompts the patron to identify the affiliated INN-Reach site.
  3. The system prompts the patron for verification information
  4. The system verifies the patron.
  5. The system selects the item to request.
  6. The system processes the request.


Innovative can configure the INN-Reach Central Server to prevent patrons from placing holds on unavailable items. To have this feature enabled, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

The patron can choose the REQUEST THIS ITEM option in the Bibliographic Record Display or the Institutional Holdings display in the INN-Reach Catalog.

When the patron chooses this option, the system determines whether there are any copies of the title that the patron can request:

The System Prompts the Patron to Identify Affiliated INN-Reach Site

Innovative can prevent your patrons from placing INN-Reach requests by suppressing your site from the list of sites with which patrons can claim affiliation. To suppress your site from the list, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

  1. The system connects the patron to the Institutional Affiliation display through the Web Access Management Patron Verification customizable Web form (pverify2_web.html). For example:

    Institutional Affiliation display for requesting a title
  2. The patron selects the INN-Reach site to which he belongs from the list and submits the information.

The System Prompts the Patron for Verification Information

  1. The system connects the patron to the Request Verification customizable Web form (pverify3_web.html). For example:

    Patron Verification and Pickup Location selection display

    This form prompts the patron to specify the following:
    • The patron's name, unique identifier, and PIN (if required). These prompts can be customized.
    • The location at which the patron wants to pickup the item, if multiple pickup locations are available, as follows:
      • For standard INN-Reach requests, the form displays the Pickup Location list, a drop-down menu of pickup locations defined by your Local Server during product installation. For more information, see the INN-Reach Circulation Pickup Locations Table.
      • If your Local Server has acquired the Pickup Anywhere for INN-Reach product, this form prompts the patron to specify a site in the Pickup Institution drop-down list, which includes the site to which the requesting patron belongs and all the Pickup Anywhere sites in the INN-Reach System. Once the patron specifies a site, the form populates the Pickup Location list with the pickup location associated with that site. For example:

        Enter patron information

        If the patron selects the site to which he belongs in the Pickup Institution, the request is handled as a standard INN-Reach request. If the patron selects any site other than his own in the Pickup Institution list, then the request is a Pickup Anywhere INN-Reach request.
    • The date after which the requested item is no longer needed (if your INN-Reach System enables patrons to specify not-needed-after dates).
  2. The patron completes the form and chooses the Submit above information button. The system continues to the next step.

The System Verifies the Patron

The INN-Reach Central Server uses the information entered by the patron in the Request Verification form to verify the patron. Based on the patron verification results, the system does one of the following:

The System Selects the Item to Request

If multiple items of the title the patron wants are requestable in the INN-Reach Catalog, INN-Reach examines the items it initially identified as requestable and selects an item to request based on whether the requested title is multi-volume. The system recognizes a title as multi-volume if it finds a VOLUME statement in any of the attached institution records.

Item Has No Volume Data

If the attached institution records have no volume data, INN-Reach:

  1. Determines whether any of the available items are locally available to the patron and, if so, whether the patron's site allows its patrons to request locally available items:
    • If none of the requestable items are locally available, the system continues to the next step.
    • If any of the items are locally available and the site allows INN-Reach requests for locally available items, the system continues to the next step.
    • If any of the items are locally available and the site does not allow INN-Reach requests for locally available items, the system denies the request and displays the following message:

      You cannot use <SYSTEM> to request items that are available at your institution.

      The patron must use the local catalog to request the item.
  2. Evaluates whether any of the available items are ineligible to receive the hold according to the settings of the INN-Reach Central Server Holds Options. INN-Reach discards any ineligible items.
  3. Uses the Request Balancing Table to determine if any of the remaining item(s) should be given priority:
    • If possible, the INN-Reach Catalog selects an item according to the criteria specified in this table.
    • If no items have priority based on the Request Balancing Table, the INN-Reach catalog randomly chooses one of the remaining items.

Item Has Volume Data

If the attached institution records contain volume data, the system prompts the patron to specify the desired volume and copy for requesting. When selecting a specific item, a patron is allowed to request an item from another site even if items are available at the patron's site. See the list of possible messages if a patron chooses an item that he is not allowed to request.

INN-Reach Central Server Holds Options

You can use the INN-Reach Central Server Holds Options to prevent the INN-Reach Catalog from placing holds on items that are not likely to be returned soon. Your Central System Administrator must contact Innovative to set values for these options.

Maximum Number of Holds
Specifies the maximum number of holds that an item can have and still be eligible to receive a hold.
Maximum Number of Days Until Due
Specifies the maximum number of days from today that an item can be due and still be eligible to receive a hold.
Maximum Number of Days Overdue
Specifies the maximum number of days that an item can be overdue and still be eligible to receive a hold.
Ratio of Local Title-Level Holds and Attached Items
Specifies the maximum ratio of title-level holds (bib holds and volume holds) to attached items allowed before INN-Reach requests are prohibited. The INN-Reach Catalog automatically determines whether this ratio has been exceeded. If the ratio has been exceeded, the INN-Reach Catalog blocks INN-Reach requests from being placed on any of the attached items. Unlike the other INN-Reach Central Server Holds Options, a different ratio can be established for each Local Server in the INN-Reach System.

The System Processes the Request

The system displays the following to the patron:

Request Confirmation display

The INN-Reach Central Server updates the status of the item to "<SYSTEM> LOAN REQUESTED" in the INN-Reach Catalog, and sends circulation messages to the patron site and the owning site.

At the patron site, the circulation message causes the system to:

At the owning site, the circulation message causes the system to: