Requesting Options

This page describes the Web options for the Requesting options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


This option determines whether bibliographic records with no attached items or orders can be requested.

Automatic Request Processing

To use the BIBREQUEST Web option, your library must have Automatic Request Processing configured to allow requests on bibliographic records that have no attached item or order records. If your system was not configured to allow requests on bibliographic records that have no attached item or order records, or if you do not know your system's configuration, contact Innovative.

If your library is set up for Automatic Request Processing and allows requests on bibliographic records that have no attached item or order records, set this option to a "TRUE" value (e.g., '1', the characters 'T', 't', 'Y', or 'y', or any word beginning with one of these characters).

Order Records

If this option is set to a "TRUE" value and an order record is either suppressed from the WebPAC display or is blocked in request rules, the system displays the following system message:

No attached item or order records

The system then allows bibliographic level holds.

If this option is set to a "FALSE" value (e.g., '0', the characters 'F', 'f', 'N', or 'n', or any word beginning with one of these characters) or this option is not defined, bibliographic records without attached item or order records cannot be requested through the WebPAC.


This option defines the image to use for the Request button. For example:



This option defines the image to use for the Request Available button. Clicking this button requests all available saved records. For example:



This option defines the image that displays for the Place multiple requests button. For example:



This option defines the image to use for the Reset Form button. For example:



This option defines the image to use for the Request Selected button. For example:



This option defines the display properties for the Request link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_REQUEST=<img src="/screens/request.gif" alt="Request" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_REQUEST Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Request Available link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_REQUEST_ALL=<strong>Request Available</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_REQUEST_ALL=<img src="/screens/request_all.gif" alt="Request All" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_REQUEST_ALL Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Place Multiple Requests link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_REQUEST_MULTI=<strong>Place Multiple Requests</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_REQUEST_MULTI=<img src="/screens/request_multi.gif" alt="Place Multiple Requests" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_REQUEST_MULTI Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:

ICON_BUT_REQUEST_MULTI=Place multiple requests

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Reset Form link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:


For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_REQUEST_RESET=<img src="/screens/request_reset.gif" alt="Reset" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_REQUEST_RESET Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties for the Request Selected link. This option accepts an HTML value that defines the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_BUT_REQUEST_SELECTED=<strong>Request Selected</strong>

For a graphic link example:

ICON_BUT_REQUEST_SELECTED=<img src="/screens/request_selected.gif" alt="Request Selected" border="0" />

If this option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_REQUEST_SELECTED Web option. If neither option is defined, the system uses following default:


This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties of the Request link in a brief citation (bibliographic record information that displays on an index browse). The value is HTML, defining either the text or an image to use as the link. If an image is defined, it can be either as a relative or an absolute URL. For example:

ICON_REQUEST=<img src="/screens/request.gif" ALT="Request" BORDER=0>

If this option does not exist or is not defined, then a system-generated text link will display.

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option defines the display properties of the Request Volume link in the volume information display. This option accepts HTML values to define either the text or an image to use as the link. For example:

ICON_REQUEST_VOLUME=<img src="/screens/request.gif" ALT="Request this Volume" BORDER=0>


ICON_REQUEST_VOLUME=<strong>Request Volume</strong>

If this option does not exist or is not defined, then the system uses the following default:

ICON_REQUEST_VOLUME=Request this Volume

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option allows your organization to display the approximate time before filling a title-level hold. The WebPAC calculates the date based on an algorithm determined from a start number defined by your organization. That algorithm is:

([number of holds] * [average loan days]) / [number of items]

If the [number of items] is equal to zero, the system does not display a message.

The value of this option is:

REQFILLTIME=[days]|[req msg]|[view msg]|[no hold msg]

Element Description
[days] This element is the average number of days an item is checked out. The number entered in this element is used in the hold fill date algorithm.
[req msg] The element defines the message the WebPAC displays when the patron is placing a request. The message displays in the pverify3_web.html file as part of the <!--{reqmsg}--> token. This element accepts a mini-token, %d, which inserts the result of the hold fill date algorithm.
[view msg] The element defines the message the WebPAC displays when a patron is viewing holds in their own patron record. This element accepts a mini-token, %d. The system replaces this token with the result of the hold fill date algorithm.
[no hold msg] The element defines the message the WebPAC displays when an item that has no hold on it meets all of the following conditions:
  • Is not in transit
  • Is not checked out
  • Is not on holdshelf
  • Is requestable

For example:

REQFILLTIME=14|<br />Current estimated availability: approximately %d days|<br />Request available in approximately %d days|<br />This material may be immediately available

This option can vary by scope, patron type (P TYPE), and language.


This option controls the offering of the REQUEST this item option. The syntax for this option is:

REQUEST=[Option Text]|[Hold Level]|[Pickup Location]|[NNA Date]

Value Description
[Option Text] The label for the requesting option.
[Hold Level]

The type (level) of requested hold. Valid values are:


This value enables bibliographic-level holds (any item attached to the bibliographic record). For multi-volume titles, if the system finds a VOLUME field in any of the attached item records, the patron will be prompted to select a volume to fulfill the request, even if the bib level holds option is specified. The system denies the request if none of the items are requestable.

Consortium Management Extensions

If your organization uses the Consortium Management Extensions product, only bibliographic-level holds are supported for Regional Holds.


This value enables multiple bibliographic-level holds on a bibliographic record. This allows users to request multiple items attached to a bibliographic record (such as multiple volumes, multiple part sets, and multiple holds on single items). Users must perform individual request transactions for each bibliographic-level hold desired.

If your library does not use Title Priority Paging, do not combine the bib value with the itemhome value.


This value enables request circle hold logic. If the hold level value is "circle", then the "pickup location" is treated as "ask", regardless of the actual value set for "pickup location." See Item Request Circles for more information.

Volume Level Holds

This setting is not supported for Volume Level Holds.


This value enables item-level holds (hold on a specific item), in which the patron specifies the copy or volume they want.

Volume Level Holds

This setting is not supported for Volume Level Holds.


This value enables item-level holds in which the system selects the first available copy. If the system finds multi-volume titles with a VOLUME field in any of the attached item records, the system prompts to select a volume to fulfill the request. The system does not automatically select volumes to fulfill a request.

Volume Level Holds

This setting is not supported for Volume Level Holds.


This value enables system behavior to deny the hold request if the item is available; otherwise place a bibliographic-level hold if the item is requestable (for example, not suppressed).

The denyifavail holds option does not apply to multi-volume titles. If the system finds a VOLUME field in any of the attached item records, the patron is still prompted to select a volume to fulfill the request despite this option.


This value enables the system to deny the hold request if:

  • the login for the requesting client has been assigned a Port Location
  • any of the item records attached to the bibliographic record has a status of '-', and
  • the item's location is included in the Locations Served list for the user's login

If the item is not locally available but is requestable, a bib-level hold is placed. If no local copies are available and the library uses the Library Priority Table, the system places the request on the available copy with the highest priority at another location.

The denyiflocalavail holds option does not apply to multi-volume titles. If the system finds a VOLUME field in any of the attached item records, the patron is still prompted to select a volume to fulfill the request despite this option.


This value behaves identically to the denyiflocalavail value, save that the system performs one additional check: if there is an available item at the selected pickup location, the system denies the request.

The system denies holds based on Hold Pickup Location settings. To apply the denyifpickupavail functionality to a specific location, the location must appear in Hold Pickup Locations table.

If there is an item that is not locally available but is requestable, the system behaves identically to the denyiflocalavail value.

This setting works best if matched with the ask pickup location value.


This value enables system behavior to place an item-level hold for any copy that is locally available. If no copy is available locally, an item-level request is placed for any available copy at any location (i.e., not just for local copies). If there are no copies available, the system places a bibliographic-level hold for the copy returned soonest. If the library uses the Library Priority Table and no local copies are available, the system places the request on the available copy with the highest priority at another location. Copies are considered "local" if any of the item records attached to the bibliographic record has a status of '-' and its location is included in the Locations Served list for the user's login. This setting overrides any other system settings for placing an item-level hold.

Volume Level Holds

This setting is not supported for Volume Level Holds.

[Pickup Location]

The type of pickup location. Valid values are:


Ask the patron to specify the pickup location from a drop-down list. If the patron is logged in to My Account:

  • The drop-down list defaults to the patron's home library.
  • If the patron's home library has multiple pickup locations, the WebPAC uses the first location in the Hold Pickup Locations Table as the default.

The pickup location is taken from the LOCATION field in the item record or from the checkin location if the item is a journal article.

Volume Level Holds

This setting is not supported for Volume Level Holds.

home The patron's home library is the pickup location.

If your library has Encore, the itemhome value is not supported for requesting.

If the HOMEPICKUP element of the loan rule is set to N, the patron can select a pickup location for the requested item. If the HOMEPICKUP element of the loanrule is set to Y, the pickup location is determined by the value in the location field in the item record.

If the patron is logged in to My Account and the HOMEPICKUP element of the loan rule is set to 'n':

  • The drop-down list defaults to the patron's home library.
  • If the patron's home library has multiple pickup locations, the WebPAC uses the first location in the Hold Pickup Locations Table as the default.

If your library does not use Title Priority Paging, do not combine the itemhome value with the bib value.

Volume Level Holds

This setting is not supported for Volume Level Holds.

portloca The first entry in the Locations Served list.
[NNA Date]

If this element is set to a "true" value (any word starting with 't', 'T', 'y', 'Y', or the number '1'), the WebPAC places a Not Needed After (NNA) drop-down menu on custom request forms.

If this element is set to a "false" value (any word starting with 'f', 'F', 'n', 'N', or the number '0') or not defined, the WebPAC does not display an NNA date.

The user's chosen NNA date takes precedence over any system-generated NNA date.


If you want your system set up to automatically include a Not-Needed-After date when patrons place holds in the OPAC or WebPAC, contact Innovative.

For example:

REQUEST=Place a reservation on this item|item|ask|Y

Held Item Delivery Product

If your library has acquired the "Held Item Delivery" product, the setting of the [Pickup Location] element determines which locations appear in the Ship To drop-down list when a patron selects the Pick up Location radio button. See Held Item Delivery for more information.

This option can vary by scope and language.


This option controls whether users are prompted for specific journal article information when requesting an item with attached checkin records. The option format is:


Element Description
[article] When this element is set to a "true" value (any word starting with 't', 'T','Y', or the number '1'), then if a user requests an item that has an attached checkin/holdings record, the system allows the user to request an article.

If this element is set to a "false" value (any word starting with 'f', 'F', 'n', 'N', or the number '0') or is not defined, then the system does not allow the user to select an article when requesting an item with an attached checkin/holdings record.
[item] When this element is set to a "true" value (any word starting with 't', 'T', 'Y', or the number '1'), then if a user requests an item that has an attached checkin/holdings record (such as a periodical), the system prompts for additional information that describes a specific journal article (the volume and issue number, the article's author and title, etc.).

If this element is set to a "false" value (any word starting with 'f', 'F', 'n', 'N', or the number '0') or is not defined, the system only prompts the user to select an item from one of the attached checkin/holdings records

The system prompts the user even if there is no checkin card.

For example:



This option defines the patron types that are not allowed to request outside of the P TYPE's "request circle" and the message that displays to users who attempt invalid requests based on their "request circle." The option value is:


Where [text] is the system message indicating the user is requesting outside of the user's request circle.

For more information on "request circles", see Item Request Circles.

This option can vary by patron type (P TYPE) and language. For example:

REQUEST_CIRCLE_MSG_P12=Sorry, you are not permitted to place requests on items from other branches.

If this option is defined without a patron type (P TYPE) suffix, the system forbids all patron types from making any inter-circle requests. This option does not have a default setting.


The REQUEST_CIRCLE_MSG option works only if the "hold level" in the REQUEST option is set to circle. If the REQUEST "hold level" field has any value other than circle, the WebPAC ignores the REQUEST_CIRCLE_MSG option.


This option defines which patrons may select a pickup location for requests within their "circle". This option accepts a comma-delimited list of patron types as a value. For example:


In this example, patrons with a P TYPE of 1, 4, and 256 can select a pickup location for requested items. Patrons of any other P TYPE are given a system-generated pickup location.


The REQUEST_CIRCLE_PICKUP option only works if the "hold level" in the REQUEST option is set to circle. If the REQUEST "hold level" field has any value other than circle, the WebPAC ignores the REQUEST_CIRCLE_PICKUP option.


This option specifies the caption for the input box that is presented to the user when an item is requested. For example:

REQUEST_INSTRUCTION=Please enter your request

This option can vary by language.


This option is identical in form to the REQUEST option. All fields perform the same function except the Option Text field. The data entered in the Option Text field of the REQUEST_MULTI option defines the title of the Batch Requesting page, and, if the BUT_REQUEST_MULTI option is not defined, defines the text used for the Request Multi option on the Book Cart screen.

If this option is not defined, the WebPAC does not offer Batch Requesting.

Held Item Delivery Product

If your library has acquired the "Held Item Delivery" product, the setting of the [Pickup Location] element determines which locations appear in the Ship To drop-down list when a patron selects the Pick up Location radio button. See Held Item Delivery for more information.

This option can vary by language.