Hold Pickup Locations Table

To edit the Hold Pickup Locations Table, you must be assigned permission 384 (Edit Hold Pickup Locations). If you are assigned permission 373 (View Circulation Parameters) but not 384, you can view this file but cannot edit it. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Hold Pickup Locations table allows you to group locations from the Branches table into hold pickup locations, and to define a label to display when those locations are used as hold pickup locations. The system uses the Hold Pickup Locations table in the following ways:

 Under the following conditions, Sierra displays the branch name instead of the Display Name from this table:

You can access the Hold Pickup Locations table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Hold Pickup Locations

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables and Maintaining Circulation Parameters.

For more information, see Functionality Information and Data Elements.

Functionality Information

Maximum Number of Entries
The Hold Pickup Locations table can contain a maximum of 500 entries.
Table Read Top to Bottom
When determining paging priority, the system reads the Hold Pickup Locations table from top to bottom. If a location is associated with two pickup location entries, the entry that contains the location you want to page should appear above the location you do not want to page.
Adding Locations and Title Priority Paging
If your library uses Title Priority Paging and you add a new entry to the Hold Pickup Locations table, you must also edit every other entry in the table to assign a Paging Priority value for the new pickup location. If you do not assign paging a paging priority for the new location, the system supplies a priority of 999.
Include All Locations in the Hold Pickup Locations Table
Innovative recommends including all locations from the Branches table in the Hold Pickup Locations table, even those that do not typically serve as hold pickup locations or where holds are not normally allowed. This ensures correct display even for holds placed under unusual circumstances, such as staff error or a special request.

Data Elements

Each entry in the Hold Pickup Locations table contains the following elements:

Element Description
Display Name The name that appears in the public display for the hold pickup location. You can enter a maximum of 31 characters in this field. If your system has been set up to offer more than one language to users, you can enter a different display name for each language.
List of Locations The location codes from the Branches table for which the system should substitute the Display Name label when the location is used as a hold pickup location. To associate a new location code with the current hold pickup location, choose Add Row and select the new location from the drop-down list. To remove a location from the hold pickup location, select the location and choose Delete Row.
Paging Priority A table that describes the order in which the system should page every other hold pickup location when you generate a title- or volume-level page for a hold with the current pickup location. For example, if the system contains the pickup locations North, South, East, and West, and you place a hold for pickup at West, the Paging Priority element of the West entry determines the order in which the system pages North, South, and East. (The current location does not display in the Paging Priority table because the system always pages the hold pickup location first.) To add a location to the Paging Priority table, you must add an entry for the location to the Hold Pickup Locations table.

Possible paging priority values are a number from 0 to 999. A value of 0 means that the system does not page this location; a value between 1 and 999 represents the order in which to page the location, with 1 being the highest priority. For more information, see Setting Paging Priorities. The default value for new entries is 999.

This element displays only if your library uses Title Priority Paging and does not affect item-level paging. For further information, see Title-level Paging and Using Title Paging Lists.
Agency The agency to which the hold pickup location belongs. The system compares this value to the AGENCY fixed-length field of item records when filling agency holds. Possible values are agencies defined in your library's Agency table. A value of 0 prevents the system from considering agency when filling holds, even if 0 is associated with a value in the Agency table. This element displays only if your library has acquired Agency Holds.