Using Title Paging Lists

If your library has the Title Priority Paging feature enabled and you page for a title or volume, Sierra creates a Title Paging List.

Once a Title Paging List is generated, you can:

Processing Pages

To effectively process the pages generated by the system, do the following:

  1. Print the Title Paging List for your location at least once a day. If your library is especially busy, consider printing the Title Paging List more frequently.
  2. Retrieve and check in the items that the system is attempting to page for your location. The pickup location specified by the patron determines how the system behaves when you check in a paged item. For more information, see Checking In Items That Have Special Conditions.
  3. To keep holds current, clear your holdshelf regularly, print the holdshelf report, and check in the items listed in the "Items to Be Checked In to Activate Next Hold" section of the holdshelf report. The system is unable to fulfill holds on these items until you check them in.

Filling Pages

A page is filled when either of the following events occurs:

After the page is filled, the system removes the hold from the patron record and removes the page from the Title Paging List.

Moving Pages from a Library

A hold remains on a library's paging list until it either transfers to another library or ceases to page.

Scenarios that cause a page to transfer to another library include:

Scenarios that cause a hold to stop paging include:

Cycling through the Title Paging List

When a library rejects a page, the system removes that location from the Title Paging List. Similarly, if a location ignores a page until the length of time for paging elapses, the system removes that location from the Title Paging List during its nightly maintenance.

After removing a location from the Title Paging List, the system pages the next location on the list that has an available item that could satisfy the title-level hold being paged.

If there are no remaining locations in the Title Paging List (that is, every location has rejected or ignored the page) and none of the remaining locations in the Title Paging List has an available item that can fill the hold, or if the hold is modified so that it is limited to one location, the system cancels the hold and queues a hold cancellation notice. Note that if your library has the Keeping the Title Hold after the Page Expires feature enabled, the system converts the request into a standard title- or volume-level hold.

Cycling through the Title Paging List Multiple Times

If your library has enabled Title Priority Paging to cycle through the Title Paging List multiple times, the system repeats this process the number of times specified by your library. To enable this optional feature, contact Innovative.

See also:
Generating Title- and Volume-level Pages
Managing Defunct Holds
Optional Holds Functionality
Title Paging Lists