Allowing INN-Reach Requests for Locally Available Items

If you want to change whether your site allows patrons to request items that are locally available, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

INN-Reach identifies an item as locally available if the item has a STATUS of '-' (AVAILABLE) and both the owning site and the patron site belong to the same Local Server. By default, patrons are not allowed to place INN-Reach requests for items that are available at their own sites. If a patron attempts to request a locally available item, INN-Reach denies the request, and WebPAC displays the following message:

You cannot use <INN-Reach SYSTEM> to request items that are available at your institution.

However, Innovative can configure the system to allow your patrons to place INN-Reach requests for locally available items. The system manages the request as an INN-Reach request until the owning site checks out the item to the patron site, at which point the system converts the INN-Reach hold to a local hold. Thereafter, the hold is managed through standard circulation processes.

If there is more than one locally available item, INN-Reach randomly chooses one to fulfill the request.

If you allow your patrons to submit INN-Reach requests for locally available items, you must ensure that all of your site's items that are requestable in the INN-Reach Catalog are also requestable at your site:

See also:
Checking Out an Item to a Remote Site
Converting a Same-server INN-Reach Request to a Local Hold