Possible Messages (Requesting INN-Reach Items)

Any of the messages described below can display during the INN-Reach request process.

Customizing the Messages

You can choose to customize one of the following messages for your INN-Reach System. If you want to customize one of these messages, ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative.

Possible Message After Patron Selects Request Option

Sorry, no copies available for requests.
No copies of this title, at any site, can be requested by using INN-Reach Circulation. All copies of this title may have the status LOCAL USE ONLY.

Possible Message After Patron Selects Affiliated Site

You cannot use <SYSTEM> to request items that are available at your institution.
Patron's own site has an available copy of the requested title. By default, a patron cannot place an INN-Reach request for an item that is available at his own site. However, Innovative can configure INN-Reach to allow patrons to request items from their own sites. For information on changing whether your site allows patrons to request items that are locally available, see Allowing Requests for Locally Available Items.

Possible Messages After Patrons Identify Themselves

Invalid PIN.
PIN number entered does not match PIN in the patron's record.
Request cannot be processed. Data in your record at your institution incomplete.
The patron's record does not contain one of the following fields: PATRN NAME, P TYPE, or PIN, if validation includes a PIN number.
Sorry, request cannot be processed. Cannot access your patron record.
The INN-Reach Central Server cannot retrieve patron information from the Local Server.
Sorry, request refused. Problem with your record at your institution.
The patron's record is blocked on his or her Local Server.
Sorry, you are not able to request items.
The INN-Reach Central Server maps the values of the patron's P TYPE and the item's I TYPE fixed-length fields to central P TYPE and I TYPE values (see Patron Type Mapping File and Item Type Mapping File). The combination of these values has resulted in a non-requestable loan rule on the Loan Rule Determiner Table.
Sorry, you are not allowed to request this item over <INN-Reach System>.
One of the following conditions is present:
  • The patron's local P TYPE maps to a central P TYPE that cannot place INN-Reach requests.
  • There is an invalid entry in the Loan Rule Determiner table.
Sorry, you have requested more items than allowed.
The patron has reached the maximum number of requests for their patron type as specified by MAX ITEMS in the Patron Blocks table on the INN-Reach Central Server.
Sorry, your ID does not match your name.
The name of the patron in the patron record specified by the ID# does not match the name that the patron keyed.
Sorry, your ID is not unique on that system.
The ID number keyed matches more that one patron at the home site.
Sorry, your ID number is not valid.
Using the ID# specified by the patron, the system was unable to locate the patron's record at the specified site.
You do not have a PIN in your record.
The patron's record does not contain a PIN number and a PIN is required to validate patrons.

Possible Messages After a Specific Copy is Requested for Multi-volume Works

Sorry, circulation policy does not allow your request.
Patron requested a copy with a status other than "AVAILABLE" or the ratio of local title-level holds to attached items is above the established threshold.
Sorry, this title is not available.
The combination of P TYPE and I TYPE leads to a non-circulating loan rule at the INN-Reach Central Server. Ask your Central System Administrator to contact Innovative if you want to change the wording of this message for your INN-Reach System. Note that this customization does not count against the one message customization limit.