Item Type Mapping File

To edit this file you must be assigned permission 693 (Edit INN-Reach-Item Type Matching File). If you are assigned permission 651 (View System Parameters) but not 693, you can view this file but cannot edit it. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Item Type Mapping File on the INN-Reach Central Server maps all local item types (I TYPEs) to central I TYPEs. INN-Reach uses this file (along with the Patron Type Mapping File) to determine if a requested item can be borrowed via INN-Reach circulation. INN-Reach also uses the mapped value as the I TYPE in the virtual item record.

When a patron requests an item for INN-Reach Circulation Loan, the INN-Reach Central Server uses the Item Type Mapping File to determine the central I TYPE based on the item's I TYPE at its home library. The system then uses the central I TYPE, along with the central P TYPE, to determine whether a requested item can be borrowed based on the related loan rules. Note that an item's local shelving location is not taken into account in determining whether a request is allowed.

Central System Administrators maintain the Item Type Mapping file.

Data Elements

Each entry consists of the following elements:

The Local Server code. There must be at least one entry in this File for each Local Server contributing to the INN-Reach System. Typically, there is more than one entry per Local Server. Local server codes must be entered in alphabetical order. All the entries for a given Local Server must be grouped together.
A range of local item types. This value can be a single local I TYPE (for example, 7) or a range of local I TYPEs (for example, 8-209). All I TYPEs (0-1999) for each Local Server must be included in this file once, even if certain local I TYPE(s) are not used at a particular site. Local I TYPE(s) that are not used at a particular site must be mapped to non-circulating central I TYPE(s). For a given Local Server, local I TYPE(s) are entered in numeric order.
The central item type. This value can be a single central I TYPE only. Item Types in the range 200-240 are reserved for INN-Reach Circulation. A given Local Server is not required to use every central I TYPE. Your INN-Reach System defines the central I TYPE values. For example:

200 - Book
201 - INN-Reach Curr Cent
202 - INN-Reach Periodical
203 - INN-Reach Sound Recording
204 - INN-Reach Comp. Software
205 - INN-Reach Audio-Visual
206 - INN-Reach Microform
207 - INN-Reach Non-Circ