Web Access Management Patron Verification Form

Command link: None
HTML document: pverify2_web.html


The Web Access Management Patron Verification (pverify2_web.html) form does not work in a staging WebPAC.

<!--{toplogo}--> Inserts the <HTML> and <BODY> tags that begin an HTML page and displays the HTML defined in the TOPLOGO Web option. This must be the first line in the pverify2_web.html file.
<!--{formbegin}--> The system replaces this token with the correctly formatted opening <form> tag. This token is required.
<!--{iferrmsg}--> System checks to see if the form has been submitted properly.
<!--{iferrmsgisPIN}--> System checks to see if the patron record needs a PIN.
<!--{newpinmsg}--> Prompts the user to "Please enter a new PIN" if PIN verification is required and the patron record does not have a PIN.
<!--{else}--> If the <!--{newpinmsg}--> token logic does not apply, the form uses the following token.
<!--{errmsg}--> Displays various error messages to the user explaining why the patron record cannot be accessed (e.g., "Invalid PIN," "Sorry, cannot locate patron record," "Sorry, name entered does not match name in record," or "Please fill in ALL of the following information").
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{iferrmsgisPIN}--> block.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{iferrmsg}--> block.
<!--{nameexample}--> Example for Name; reads the Example for name prompt in the Patron self-identification prompts & examples OPAC option.
<!--{nameprompt}--> Prompt for Name; reads the Prompt for name in the Patron self-identification prompts & examples OPAC option.
<!--{name}--> Input for Patron Name.
<!--{barcodeexample}--> Example for barcode; reads the Example for patron ID in the Patron self-identification prompts & examples OPAC option.
<!--{barcodeprompt}--> Prompt for barcode; reads the Prompt for patron ID in the Patron self-identification prompts & examples OPAC option.
<!--{barcode}--> Input for Patron Barcode or ID Number.
<!--{ifneedspin}--> System checks if PIN validation is required, and if it is not required, the system proceeds to the <!--{submit}--> token.
<!--{iferrmsgisPIN}--> System checks if patron record does not have a PIN.
<!--{newpinmsg}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the NEWPIN_MSG Web option.

The system replaces this token with the value of the NEWPIN1_PROMPT Web option. If this option is not defined, the system replaces this token with the following message:

Please enter your PIN

<!--{pin1}--> First input for new PIN.

The system replaces this token with the value of the NEWPIN2_PROMPT Web option. If this option is not defined, the system replaces this token with the following message:

Enter your PIN again

<!--{pin2}--> Second input for new PIN.
<!--{else}--> If PIN is needed and patron record has a PIN, system prompts for PIN input.
<!--{pininstructions}--> Instructions or examples to the user for <!--{pin}-->. Reads the Example for PIN in the Patron self-identification prompts & examples OPAC option.
<!--{pinprompt}--> User prompt for <!--{pin}-->. Reads the Prompt for PIN in the Patron self-identification prompts & examples OPAC option.
<!--{pin}--> User input for patron's PIN.
<!--{pinresetrequest}--> The system replaces this token with the value of the ICON_PIN_RESET Web option. If users are allowed to reset their PINs, clicking this link takes the user to the Request a PIN Reset form.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{iferrmsgisPIN}--> block.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifneedspin}--> block.
<!--{ifalternate_id}--> If this token is present, and the HAS_ALTERNATE_ID Web option is set to true, the system interprets the tokens and displays the content between this token and its closing <!--{xif}--> token.
<!--{user_name}--> The system replaces this token with the textbox prompt for the patron's alternate ID. This input accepts a maximum of 25 characters.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifalternate_id}--> block.
<!--{submit}--> The system replaces this token with a Submit link. The ICON_BUT_PAT_SUBMIT Web option controls the appearance of this link. If that option is not defined, the system uses the value of the BUT_PAT_SUBMIT Web option.
<!--{formend}--> The system replaces this token with the closing HTML <form> tags generated by the <!--{formbegin}--> token.
<!--{startover}--> Offers a Start Over button which goes to the URL in the PSTARTOVER Web option.
<!--{botlogo}--> Displays the HTML defined in the BOTLOGO Web option. Unlike the token behavior in other customizable Web forms, the <!--{botlogo}-->; token does insert the closing </BODY> and </HTML> tags for the pverify2_web.html form.

For the Has LDAP OPAC, the following tokens are used:

<!--{ifextpat}--> If the Has LDAP OPAC option has an entry for the port serving this file, the system executes the commands in this block.
<!--{extpatid}--> Inserts the Has LDAP OPAC ID text box.
<!--{extpatpw}--> Inserts the Has LDAP password text box.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the block.

INN-Reach organizations can use the following tokens within the <FORM> tags:

<!--{reqinfo}--> This token specifies the placement of the "Requesting <title>" message for INN-Reach requests or the "Article Request" message (for ArticleReach requests).
<!--{campus}--> For INN-Reach organizations, this token displays the text from the INSTITUTIONLABEL Web option. If that option is not defined, then this token is replaced with the text "With which institution are you affiliated?" and a drop-down box.
<!--{crsdropdown}--> For organizations using INN-Reach, this token displays the drop-down list of institutions in the INN-Reach consortium.

You cannot customize the pverify2_web.html form by scope, P TYPE, and language.

For a current example of this form, see the appropriate example set in WebPAC Example Sets and Photoshop Files on CSDirect.