Reference Databases Options

This page describes the Web options for the Reference Database options group. Review these options to determine any necessary setup that your organization might need to perform.


For libraries that display their holdings on a second screen, this option specifies the text of the menu option to use to view the holdings screen; the Innovative tag for the holdings field; and the tags of fields to display on this screen. The value for this option is in three parts, separated by a vertical bar ('|') as shown below:

HOLDING_2ND_SCREEN=<Option Text>|<Holdings tag>|<Display fields>

The fields to display are grouped together without spaces or punctuation. For example:

HOLDING_2ND_SCREEN=Display holding information|h|atch

In this example, the holdings tag is 'h' and the fields to display on the second screen are Author, Title, Call Number, and Holdings. Do not change the <Holdings tag> value unless instructed to do so by Innovative.


This option is used to specify the name of the file containing your organization's holdings. In most cases, this will have the following value:


Do not change this value unless instructed to do so by Innovative.


This option specifies the text for the screen option that displays when your organization does not own the journal but enables users to request it from another library. The library must have acquired Interlibrary Loan in this case. A copyright message from the reference database's ILL Library Information screen is shown (see Worksheet ILL-3 Request Parameters in the Getting Started Manual). Requests are written to the Inter-Library Loan file for the main database on the Innovative server.

For example:

HOLDINGS_ILL=Get this article for me on Interlibrary Loan


This option specifies the message that displays on the screen when a retrieved citation record is in a journal that is in your organization's collection. Users can click this message to see the library's holdings of that journal. If this option is not used, the holdings will appear immediately when the record is retrieved.

An example is:

HOLDINGS_MSG=Click HERE to see the library's holdings of this journal


This option specifies the message that displays on the screen when a retrieved citation record is in a journal that is not in your organization's collection. If your organization does not want a message to appear in this case, do not use this option.

An example is:

HOLDINGS_NMSG=The library does not own this journal


By default, when a holdings list is displayed while searching a reference database, the WebPAC places the caption "LIBRARIES THAT HAVE THIS JOURNAL" above the list. To replace this default caption with another, add this option to the WWWOPTIONS file, with the replacement text entered as the option's value. For example:

REFHOLDTEXT=The libraries listed below have this item

To suppress the caption entirely, use the HTML code for a non-breaking space (i.e., "&nbsp;"). For example:


Make certain to include both the leading ampersand and the trailing semicolo,n and do not include any other text in the option's value.

This option can vary by language.

See also the CONSORTIUM_HOLDINGS option, which selects the caption that displays above an INN-Reach site holdings list.